Sex my L204s

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Sex my L204s

Post by YSR50 »

I was wondering if anyone could help me out, if it's even possible with these pictures. Hopefully I can get some better pictures when I move tanks in a few weeks. I have an idea, but it's just a guess. All 3 are around 4"sl.

Fish 1

Fish 2

Fish 3 - new
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Re: Sex my L204s

Post by Simon86 »


If they are really 4" in size, I guess they are all female. Only number 2 looks a bit like a male. Looks like it got some more interopercular odontodes. Large L204 are easy to sex. Males get a lot of odontodes on the tail. And most of them show them all the time. If not, you can still feel it very good with your hand. Also they get a lot of interopercular odontodes.
But males can also get quite fat/round, so with that you can not really differ them. I attach two pictures of some of my L204. First is a clear male and on second picture two female all 3 about same size.



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Re: Sex my L204s

Post by pleconut »

Definitely say fish 2 is a male.
Thanks Teresa
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Re: Sex my L204s

Post by Barbie »

If those fish are 4" SL, they are female. If the 4" is TL, that changes things.

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