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A good catfish for a planted community tank?

Posted: 12 Mar 2016, 20:34
by harsmann

I am wondering what could be an interesting fish to add to my planted community tank. A catfish perhaps?

I had different tanks over the last 11 years, with mostly South American fish. My main tank is a 560L planted community tank and after my fishroom was re-purposed to babyroom, it is my the only tank).

Current stock is 1 male bristlenose (surviving member of a breeding triangle), 6 Corydoras trilinatus, 15 Rednose Tetra, 5 platys, 1 black ghost knife fish, 2 blue gouramis and 6 Biotodoma cupido (small cichlids).

The water is alkaline and hard (pH at 8, dH at 22).

Any suggestions what would be a good catfish to add?

(it can both be a fish that fit in the current setup, or one that could be the beginning of a transition to another setup)

Re: A good catfish for a planted community tank?

Posted: 12 Mar 2016, 21:03
by pleconut
More common bristlenose, they are quite unfussy and will breed in water chemistry of varying degrees of PH and hardness, provided it's not to extremes, there are quite a few variations of . If you are interested in plecos there's one i know is ok with this chemistry, the flash pleco, despite being South American is . They do need good filtration as they eat wood, which needs to be provided, subsequently a large group will produce substantial amounts of sawdust but a couple in the size of tank you have wouldn't prodce the ammount a larger group potentially can. I should think younger ones wouldn't bother the plants, but in the longer term as you had this in mind a planted tank is not a necessity. Other than this some Corydoras species may be ok, some can hybridise though so research. Some catfish are tolerant of your chemistry, and would be ok when small, but can grow to a good size. So again one for a longer term tank.

Re: A good catfish for a planted community tank?

Posted: 13 Mar 2016, 09:50
by harsmann
Thank you for good ideas - got me something to think about and I need take a trip to the LFS : )

Re: A good catfish for a planted community tank?

Posted: 14 Mar 2016, 13:42
by Richard B
The black ghost knife is a poor choice as it will eat small fish & grows to 20 inches.

What sort of catfishes are you after - something visible? Pseudeutropius are a visible shoaling genera & fairly often available

Re: A good catfish for a planted community tank?

Posted: 14 Mar 2016, 17:14
by synolover
SA bumble bee cats, maybe? I've never kept them, but they're cute and small

Re: A good catfish for a planted community tank?

Posted: 08 Apr 2016, 10:28
by iSynoCat
I know I'm a bit late to the party but perhaps I could still change your mind? With your water I suggest Synodontis petricola as a great community fish. They come from hard water, like to go around in shoals and only grow about 4". Perhaps a group of 6? Though they can be quite pricey so perhaps pictus cats may be better? Maybe more corys?

Re: A good catfish for a planted community tank?

Posted: 08 Apr 2016, 10:59
by Embee
If you are interested in young ABN's send me a message, they're only around 1½-2cm currently, but growing fast.