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peckoltia compta L134

Posted: 08 Feb 2016, 19:35
by tony auber
Bonjour,je possède 12 L134 dans un bac spécifique de 450L de 60cm de largeur.Il y a 30 tubes de pontes adaptés aux L134. Ma question est la suivante : Comment positionner les tubes,au ras du sol,superposés ??? Merci par avance

Re: peckoltia compta L134

Posted: 08 Feb 2016, 20:30
by tony auber
car je doute que les L134 pondent dans des trous dans des berges abruptes mais plutot sur des pentes douces sous/dans des souches de bois ou entre des pierres...mais dans quelles positions par rapport au courant de la rivière???

Re: peckoltia compta L134

Posted: 08 Feb 2016, 22:52
by Atmichaels
Google translator:

First post:
"Hello , I have 12 L134 in a species only 450L 60cm width. are 30 tubes suitable for spawning L134 . My question is: How to position the tubes , at ground level , bunk ??? thanks in advance

Second post:
because I doubt the L134 lay eggs in holes in steep banks but rather on gentle slopes on / in wood or stones between strains ... but in what positions relative to the current of the river ???"

Should be moved to correct forum.

Re: peckoltia compta L134

Posted: 09 Feb 2016, 07:46
by Jools
I have moved this to the correct forum. Furthermore or simple search of the site shows up lots of pictures, the species profile also contains a link to this Shane's World article.
