3 100 litre tanks, a rack. Can 1 of the tanks be a sump, a plant growing tank or ammonia dosed filter maturing system?
Posted: 03 Feb 2016, 19:08
Hi folks, Im after some information, I've acquired three 100 litre tanks and a rack for my fish room. The three tanks to go on the rack is a three storey setup, but I'm not wanting more than two storeys of three hundred litres worth of tanks stacked too high, plus it would be very difficult for me to access the top one if I'm keeping/breeding fish in it. I have some options here. Have the third one at ground level as a sump to supply filtration to the two above it, as a plant growing tank for the rest of the fish room, or even as an ammonia dosed filter maturing system for internal, sponge filters and maybe substrate. So I'm hoping to get some technical info in this thread for all of the three choices, I'm inclined at first to go with the third, at least until the fish room is complete and the tanks are all running, then maybe using it as a plant tank afterwards. The sump option would obviously mean i would keep the temp at a certain level and if i needed a different temperature in the tanks, to add a separate heater as required. Obviously I'd have to keep fish in the tank with same parameter requirements. I'd very much appreciate any tips, ect.