Will Different Ancistrus Species Crossbreed?
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Will Different Ancistrus Species Crossbreed?
Hi, will different species of Ancistrus Crossbreed? I'm not talking about just a brown with albino or super Red as they are all variants of A.Cirrhosus, but for instance can A.Cirrhosus cross with A.Hoplogenys or A.Claro etc??
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Re: Will Different Ancistrus Species Crossbreed?
From what I've read in the forums here, yes they do hybridize, although I can't speak specifically to claro and hoplogenys.
You can use the advanced forum search tool (here) to find older posts on the subject.
Cheers, Eric
You can use the advanced forum search tool (here) to find older posts on the subject.
Cheers, Eric
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Re: Will Different Ancistrus Species Crossbreed?
I am pretty sure they will. But why, are you trying to add to the hybrid craze?
150gal- No Plecos; 3 AC 110 P.Filters; 2 AC P.Heads; Eheim2217, 2260
180gal- Plecos (9): L001/L022 (1M), L023, L083/L165, L137, L190, Rhino (1M, 1F), Trinidad (2); 3 AC 110 P.Filters; 2 AC 110 P.Heads; Eheim 2217,2260; Fluval FX5
210gal- Plecos (5): L014 (2), L050; 4 AC P.Filters; 2AC P.Heads; Eheim 2250,2262; Fluval FX5;
180gal- Plecos (9): L001/L022 (1M), L023, L083/L165, L137, L190, Rhino (1M, 1F), Trinidad (2); 3 AC 110 P.Filters; 2 AC 110 P.Heads; Eheim 2217,2260; Fluval FX5
210gal- Plecos (5): L014 (2), L050; 4 AC P.Filters; 2AC P.Heads; Eheim 2250,2262; Fluval FX5;
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Re: Will Different Ancistrus Species Crossbreed?
http://www.planetcatfish.com/shanesworl ... bridise%3F
Heres a shanes world article on ancistrus hybridisation. I personally conclude from this that potentially they can do so, and have.
Heres a shanes world article on ancistrus hybridisation. I personally conclude from this that potentially they can do so, and have.
Thanks Teresa