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Are these Cory sterbai or C haraldschultzi ??

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 01:02
by Coursair
These young fish were labeled as C sterbai. I have one definite C sterbai in this tank. These youngsters look a bit longer in the face/snout ???

They were sold to me for $4.45 each at my local Petsmart. Same place I got my other C sterbai. They've been out for weeks.

What is your opinion ? Sterbai or haraldschultzi ? They are showing some orange in their fins.

Thanks for any help.


Re: Are these Cory sterbai or C haraldschultzi ??

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 01:08
by Coursair
This is their tank

Re: Are these Cory sterbai or C haraldschultzi ??

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 01:18
by Coursair
They decided to pose for comparison. The larger is my original C sterbai

Re: Are these Cory sterbai or C haraldschultzi ??

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 01:25
by bekateen
Are these small? I don't see much of the yellow-orange fins on the small ones. But based on head color, I'd say they're all sterbai. At my PetSmart, the cories are tank-bred, not wild caught, or that's what I'm told. If so, then if one is sterbai, they all should be.

Hopefully someone else can confirm this ID.

Cheers, eric

Re: Are these Cory sterbai or C haraldschultzi ??

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 01:29
by Coursair
These are small juvenile fish. I'm hoping they are sterbai. I'm trying to get my group up to 10-12 or more. Thanks for your input.

Re: Are these Cory sterbai or C haraldschultzi ??

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 05:07
by Dave Rinaldo

Re: Are these Cory sterbai or C haraldschultzi ??

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 11:51
by Karsten S.

yes, these are rather light C. sterbai.
If you look at the pattern at the head in C. sterbai base colour is dark with light spots and lines.
In C. haraldschultzi it's the opposite.

C. haraldschultzi also has a longer nose but this is much less obvious compared to other mimetic pairs.


Re: Are these Cory sterbai or C haraldschultzi ??

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 03:01
by Coursair
Ok, thank you. I got a deal on them then :-BD

Re: Are these Cory sterbai or C haraldschultzi ??

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 03:05
by Coursair
Dave Rinaldo wrote:
Believe me I've been staring at the pics of both species. In the new juveniles the base color looks white with black markings which is what made me wonder if they were mislabeled. All Cories are zipping about and sifting the sand. Nice fat happy fish.

Re: Are these Cory sterbai or C haraldschultzi ??

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 04:29
by bekateen
Coursair wrote:Believe me I've been staring at the pics of both species. In the new juveniles the base color looks white with black markings which is what made me wonder if they were mislabeled.
I'm looking at your photo above and I see white spots on a dark base color on the head. That is sterbai.

Cheers, Eric

Re: Are these Cory sterbai or C haraldschultzi ??

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 18:03
by Coursair
bekateen wrote:
Coursair wrote:Believe me I've been staring at the pics of both species. In the new juveniles the base color looks white with black markings which is what made me wonder if they were mislabeled.
I'm looking at your photo above and I see white spots on a dark base color on the head. That is sterbai.

Cheers, Eric
I think they just looked lighter compared to the older fish and it threw me. I once got a Cory axelrodi out of a Petsmart tank as an accidental fish. It had been shipped with some tetras. No one in the area was selling them.

I will carry on adding to my group as I find them. I can drive 1.5 hours to get more. So if needed I'll do that.

I appreciate everyone's input. I'll grab them some worms this week to help them color up.