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Looking for Mystus bimaculatus (female)

Posted: 29 Nov 2015, 20:05
by Cheep-Cheep
I recently made an order to The Wet Spot, part of which was a group of Mystus bimaculatus, the Sumatran 2-spot cafish. I ordered six, they sent four (the last ones they had). They arrived in good shape, are doing well, but unfortunately it appears that I have four males. I had hoped to attempt to breed them (I know it hasn't been done au naturale as yet, but I like a challenge), but obviously I'll need at least one female to even have a chance.

So, I've been searching around, trying to find someone else keeping this species, who might be willing to sell or trade me a female or two. Unfortunately, it's not a commonly-imported species, and The Wet Spot said they don't get them very often, so who knows when they'll have them again. I'm quite fond of these fish and would love to establish them in the hobby, considering the plight of their natural habitat in Sumatra. However, I don't want to devote a tank to a group of fish that I can't breed. I might just throw them in the community tank at my work place in the meantime. Thanks everyone.