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Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Posted: 27 Nov 2015, 18:16
by plec0
Im wanting to get some Snails for my 30 Gallon tank with inch of gravel substrate and my 10 gallon tank same depth gravel .just need to know how many should I order per tank. I KNOW they burrow jnto gravel and feed off the food waste etc in gravel thus making tank cleaning and the bio better in tank as to not stir around gravel with a suction pump releasing harmful gases into tank riskjng the fiah and my plecos health or worse death.I just wanna get an idea on how many per size of tank and depth of substrate if it matters.. my 30 gallon is currently housing just 3 plecos..size just over 2.5 inches..and my 10 gallon I got 1inch green terror cichlid and a 3 inch red devil. Temporary housing until my 75 gallon tank is finished cycling within next few days
Re: Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Posted: 27 Nov 2015, 18:34
by pleconut
Hi I'm thinking that with only 1 inch depth of gravel as long as it's kept really clean mines a bit deeper i alternate each side to prevent gas build up every day i surface clean uneaten food and poop you probably wouldn't need to worry about the gasses getting to a level potentially causing harm at least in the larger tank.
Re: Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Posted: 27 Nov 2015, 22:17
by RIPbiglad
Dont put MTS in your tank they will take over it in no time at all. I have finally got rid of the ones I had using Assassin snails.
Re: Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Posted: 27 Nov 2015, 22:55
by pleconut
I'm a bit biassed anyway as i'm moving my plecos out of a snail infested tank tomorrow it's cost a lot replacing everything alongside this now includes deterioration in the general condition of my plecos i feed my plecos veggies not a good combo so for these reasons I'd second the advice not too include snails.
Re: Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Posted: 28 Nov 2015, 12:27
by JamesFish
If you want MTS you might want to follow up with some assassin snails to help keep them under control unless you have something else that eats them.
Personally I just added assassin snails x10 to a new tank I started back in April and MTS have never been able to get a foot hold on it
I know its normally terrible advise to give of add another alive creature to control another but MTS can be a real PITA to bring down in numbers easily.
Re: Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Posted: 28 Nov 2015, 14:39
by Dave Rinaldo
If you are set on getting them, certainly don't pay anything for them!
Re: Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Posted: 28 Nov 2015, 15:09
by pleconut
Just buy some cheap plants like I did!
Re: Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Posted: 29 Nov 2015, 06:50
by pleconut
Hi plec0 i would like to apologise if I have put my opinion over in any way you consider to be wrong I do have strong opinions over introduction of snails into a system but it's more to do with the pita they've been in my pleco tank and not a reflection upon you seeking advice here re this matter on the forum
Re: Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Posted: 29 Nov 2015, 16:57
by dw1305
Hi all,
I like MTS (Melanoides tuberculata), I have them in all the tanks. You only need 5 or 6 to start with, that should give you both sexes.
You can catch them in a snail trap if you have too many.
cheers Darrel
Re: Malaysian Trumpet Snails
Posted: 29 Nov 2015, 17:40
by pleconut
There is a difference between mts and the ones i had in all fairness i had those bladder snails which breed all by themselves whereas mts are livebearers I've never had mts in any tanks i have. The bladder snails obviously fed from the veg i fed my plecos so traps in this case were pointless and the snail population in my case became detrimental to the health of the plecos ive moved them now and they seem ok if you feed veg to your plecos be aware that you may need to stay on top of the population as if they do not get a hold you may have a problem.