Sexing help

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Sexing help

Post by yayfish24 »

I'm pretty sure there's 2 male and 2 female in this small group but I'd like a second opinion.
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Re: Sexing help

Post by bekateen »

From a body width perspective, I'd agree - male-female-male-female, in that order from left to right in the photo. Are the fish all the same age (approximately)?

Are these ?

Can you get a side view of the pelvic fins? Pelvic fin tips should be more pointy on the males and more rounded on the females. For example, photo #1 ( ... age_id=994) on the CLOG page shows pelvic fins which I would say resemble a female's, and photo #3 ( ... age_id=996) shows pelvic fins which I'd say resemble a male's.

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Re: Sexing help

Post by yayfish24 »

I was told they were jullis but Ive read that jullis are a bit rare. I'm assuming they are triliniatus. I can attempt more pics. I moved them from my 75 gallon to my 20 gallon today.
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Re: Sexing help

Post by bekateen »

The reticulated (squiggly line) pattern on the head means this is almost guaranteed to be trilineatus. Julii almost always have small spots on the head instead of squiggly lines.

In the USA, I've seen only one real julii and it was mixed in with a batch of trilineatus and various other corys.
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Re: Sexing help

Post by yayfish24 »

Thank you for your knowledge. I actually found I had a fith one in my 75 gallon. Appears to be a female.
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