HELP!!! With my Albino Cory Cat fry!

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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HELP!!! With my Albino Cory Cat fry!

Post by CoryCat83 »

I have never bred fish and now have albino cory cat fry I'm trying not to kill. I have some questions but first, here is some background.
I discovered eggs on the glass last Wednesday. Moved them to a homemade breeding container. I was out of town until Sunday and found them hatched. I moved them to a 20 gal tank. Couldn't find fry food locally so I have been feeding them hard boiled egg yolk and a combo of ground flakes, bottom feeder pellets and algae wafers. I found what looks like soap bubbles on the water and was going to do a water change until I noticed tiny things swimming around in the water, much smaller than the cory fry. The fry are about 1/4 inch and the other things are barely visible. Also I think I saw some tiny swimming worms.
So, questions:
1) Soap looking bubbles, could it be from the egg yolk? Or have I gotten soap in my tank from the nylon I placed over the filter?
2) What else is swimming around with my fry? Are they good or bad?
3)Do I need to do a water change?
Thanks so much for the help!!!
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Re: HELP!!! With my Albino Cory Cat fry!

Post by mountainman36 »

the bubbles are likely from overfeeding, as are the worms, or whatever else.
for cory cat babies, finely crushed flake food is fine. the larger granule stuff they cant fit in their mouths, so it wont be eaten and will foul the tank.

at this point do daily water changes of about 30-50% and cut back on the feeding. the baby catfish dont move around much so the food has to be pretty close to them. they dont search it out like adults. thus smaller tanks are much better to start fry in. once they get 1/2-1 inch a 20 gallon grow out tank would be fine.

Good luck
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Re: HELP!!! With my Albino Cory Cat fry!

Post by Marine590622 »

Was it an established 20, Cory fry can make do on the bio film in an tank.
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Re: UPDATE: HELP!!! With my Albino Cory Cat fry!

Post by CoryCat83 »

Thanks for the help! After an initial die off of about half to two thirds of the fry, lots of stress and many tears, I have managed to keep the rest thriving! They are growing and so cute! I have counted sixty something of them. And as a suprise bonus I found two more in the original tank. I must have missed a couple eggs and they managed not to be eaten by the other fish. I included a pic of one with an adult cory. Also a pic of some of the rest in the 20 gal. My sis is giving me her old 50 gal to finish raising them! I'm so excited an happy to have saved so many. I'll update and have more pics in a month or so when I have them moved to the 50 gal. Thanks agai
CoryCat83 wrote:I have never bred fish and now have albino cory cat fry I'm trying not to kill. I have some questions but first, here is some background.
I discovered eggs on the glass last Wednesday. Moved them to a homemade breeding container. I was out of town until Sunday and found them hatched. I moved them to a 20 gal tank. Couldn't find fry food locally so I have been feeding them hard boiled egg yolk and a combo of ground flakes, bottom feeder pellets and algae wafers. I found what looks like soap bubbles on the water and was going to do a water change until I noticed tiny things swimming around in the water, much smaller than the cory fry. The fry are about 1/4 inch and the other things are barely visible. Also I think I saw some tiny swimming worms.
So, questions:
1) Soap looking bubbles, could it be from the egg yolk? Or have I gotten soap in my tank from the nylon I placed over the filter?
2) What else is swimming around with my fry? Are they good or bad?
3)Do I need to do a water change?
Thanks so much for the help!!!
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Re: HELP!!! With my Albino Cory Cat fry!

Post by Mona »

Isn't much in this hobby that are cuter than Corydoras babies :-)
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