Fungus Among Us - Please Help

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Fungus Among Us - Please Help

Post by Regan »

One of my standard emerald corys got a white growth on his side and tail fin...again! I treated the (75 gallon) tank (73 degrees, only inhabitants are 20 corys, Aquaclear 110 power filter) with Pimafix for a week a couple of weeks ago and he looked cured within the first 72 hours of treatment but now it is back again. (Also one of the baby orange lasers tail fin looks shabby today.) I guess I will do another treatment. I do 15% - 20% water changes every week without fail. I change the filters regularly. I don't think I'm overfeeding too bad - flakes and mini algae cookie for breakfast, a little scoop of frozen bloodworms for supper. He continues to be happy and energetic and healthy seeming.

*I wonder how contagious fungal infections are?
*Should I isolate him in my quarantine tank (in a few weeks when it's cycled)?
*Should I be doing bigger water changes?
*What is the problem; am I doing something wrong?

Please help. Thank you
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