ID on my L028-L036

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ID on my L028-L036

Post by Triactis Trainer »

Hey there PC people!

Hopefully someone can help me to get a positive ID on this pleco. I have had her (I presume F) for about 4 years now and have not been able to find another since. She came in with a shipment of WC Rio Tacantins Bristlenose Plecs (Sorry, don't know the L#) I knew that she was obviously not a bristlenose when she came in, so I knew I had to scoop her up. The store owners were even nice enough to let her go for free! I have uploaded pictures before, but to no avail. The last I remembered was someone telling me that the mouth was a better lead as to the species and hopefully closer to a positive ID. Any and all thoughts are greatly appreciated!!!

Older picture posted when I originally tried to get an ID to no avail
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Re: ID on my L028-L036

Post by Jools »

I think we need better pics, I can't really tell it's not an . Might be a ?

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Re: ID on my L028-L036

Post by Triactis Trainer »

Thanks for the reply Jools, I will be sure to take some better pictures when i get the chance tomorrow. She is very reclusive and rarely ventures far from her cave during the day. I didn't know of any L028-L036 "Angelicus" (Closest match I have found so far) that were Pseudancistrus?
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Re: ID on my L028-L036

Post by Jools »

is a , I can tell by the mouth and teeth this is not what you have.

is not back with white spots, I'm a bit confused really why it is mentioned.

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Re: ID on my L028-L036

Post by Triactis Trainer »

The fish appears different in the pictures. It is entirely brown, with small yellow spots.
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Re: ID on my L028-L036

Post by Triactis Trainer »

You are right about L036, I had no clue where I got that from. I thought I remembered that # for some reason. I haven't done any research into this fish for quite some time, as I never had any helpful feedback until now. I tried searching through the Pseudancistrus through the Cat-elog but nothing strikingly similar came accross to me. Maybe to a better trained eye someone will be able to tell the differences.
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Re: ID on my L028-L036

Post by Acanthicus »

Morning everybody,

looks like a female Ancistrus. But the species is hard to tell from these pictures. Try to get a lateral pic of her when she is underwater. Colours get portraited different when taking them out, the flash does it's own and in result the fish doesn't look like it actually does.
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Re: ID on my L028-L036

Post by Triactis Trainer »

Thanks for the reply Acanthicus, I will do my best to get several pictures of her later in the day.
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