Its a nice looking fish indeed. What's the fishes provenance info. i.e. How did it come to you?
Re: Hypostomus sp. Uruguay
Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 18:37
by Beminus
I got this from Panta Rhei in Germany,
About a year ago Jens Gottwalt did an import from an Argentinian exporter.
In this import there where also other hypostomus,
one was Hypostomus regani
The only reason this one is called Hypostomus sp. 'Uruguay' is because it came from Uruguay(offcourse, probably rio Uruguay) by it actually looks exactly like the H. regani.
I bought this to be sure it can have temperatures of about 15°C or 59°F during winter.
Could someone recognise if there is any difference between this H. sp. and H. regani?
Re: Hypostomus sp. Uruguay
Posted: 19 Jan 2016, 19:34
by Jools
I can't really see any differences, but I've never seen