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Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 18:15
by mostlyfairy
Hello. I'm SO RELIEVED to have found this forum. I need your help. A horrific irresponsible person left a 15 year old south american cat fish to die in a 5 gallon bucket. I found him yesterday. His name is Nacho. He had been like that for four days. I slowly revived him by infusing fresh water into his container. There was a can of top fin color enhancing tropical flakes by him. I fed him and he really perked up, started doing flips out of the bucket and back in :) He was very happy I found him.

I will care for him properly. I'm not sure how much longer he even has at his age or if he is a lori (I googeled the two big group names you have and he looks like a lori to me but he could also be "other"). Right now he is stable at my home. Because I haven't yet bought a water heater for him and I keep my home air conditioned, he is on my porch in the Tucson AZ heat so the water stays in the 70's for him-he is well protected from predators. The ph of his current untreated tap water is 6.5, I changed much of it out with fresh this morning (I understand he needs a quality filter as well, and water treatment supplies, testing supplies).

I would like to fully understand what type of south american cat fish he is so I can go buy him the most suitable things this evening and get him living inside. I am prepared to get him heater, good water filter, water treatment/testing supplies, quality food, materials to make his home feel natural and safe for hiding. I don't even know if he can tolerate rocks on the bottom of his home or not-turtles eat them so you are not supposed to use them.

I will house him in a large clean plastic container for this week and then buy him a nice aquarium. He is six inches long so I don't even understand what size aquarium he can be happy in. The woman who had him kept him in a 30 gallon it sounds like from what others saw when they were in her home. But she also said all she ever did for his water was to add ammonia drops. I'm thinking the way I take care of animals is very different from the way she does.

Please help me
-Identify this south american catfish subspecies as best you can so I can read more about him
-advise me on what he needs for proper water treatment/testing immediately to keep him comfortable & healthy.
-advise me on what you feel is the best most nutritious food he should get. I always buy the highest quality food I can for my pets even if it cost more. I'm also willing to make him food if that's what he needs. I do that for the turtle I now care for after some rotten teenagers threw her away like garbage :(


PS- I should add, I do not have aquarium experience but I'm smart- I can learn anything fast if you point me on the right path. I have a turtle which is how I know about quality water filtration and water heaters. Also, he has these big bug eyes that I haven't seen in many other pictures so far. I am praying that is normal and natural for him and its not some kind of horrific infection/swelling of his eyes (edema) that needs veterinary treatment. His eyes are definitely weird enough to have me worried.

Re: Need help IDing well S. American catfish left to die!

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 18:50
by racoll
Is this your fish: (click on the link)?

Re: Need help IDing well S. American catfish left to die!

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 19:03
by mostlyfairy
You could be onto something here. It resembles him in the placement of all fins, the general grey color, somewhat larger eyes in picture of the iridescent shark catfish and mouth. It does not resemble him in that there is no iridescence (I just checked with bright light on him-although could be due to his old age and poor nutrition), his eyes are way bigger and weirder than what is seen in the picture and also the proportions of anatomy are different-your picture shows more balanced proportions. This fish has thick fat enlarged head and rather small body behind him. So my question is, could all the difference be due to health issues and his old age: no iridescence/bigger bug eyes/bigger fat head proportion ? Is this species capable of living for 15 yrs? The information doesn't say. Also, the write up says he should be around 50 inches long when he is 6 inches long at a very old age.

The woman who left him there said she used to tease her son and tell him it was a "shark" which is why I wonder if you could really be onto something. So they had a running joke at her house that he was the "shark".

Thank you for trying to help me and Nacho.

Re: Need help IDing well S. American catfish left to die!

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 19:19
by mostlyfairy
I searched this site and there is an article that explains more about them and how they change as they age: ... icle_id=65

The behavior description (skittish) is a good match for him. The write up does imply that his lost iridescence could be explained by age and also body proportion changes. If he is this shark catfish it means that his growth was severely stunted by being in too small a home perhaps, as he should be much bigger. I do also know that the woman referred to him as very "rare" and that fits with this write-up and the fact that the shark catfish is an endangered species. You may have found the answer for me unless someone chimes in with different thinking.

The Cat e log write up for him says that in older age he should be on a primarily vegetable based pellet. She was feeding him something with fish or shrimp as one of the first ingredients. If anyone can recommend a healthy vegetable based brand to buy in the US that would work well in this situation, that info would be much appreciated. The write up discusses his temp and ph needs which are currently being met. It does not discuss the issue of water hardness which I need to learn all about. I've read elsewhere they prefer soft water.

I'm learning more- I think he has what they call pop-eye: ... opeye.aspx

It sounds like he may improve some with the conditions I provide, but there is likely serious damage as well. He will likely need some veterinary help for the bacterial component. I know he is not blind- he swims up to get his food.

I'm just getting angrier and angrier. Last night this woman told me she was "coming to get her fish" I told her no she wasn't because she left him to die and he is no longer her fish. Why can't people like her just get a computerized pet toy. Why do they have to hurt living things?

This forum is VERY well organized. I have been able to locate some active users who know about older shark catfish from looking at old related posts. I have started reaching out to some of them for confirmation and direction about best food/water treatment. Thank you for this resource.

Re: Need help IDing well S. American catfish left to die!

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 21:39
by Linus_Cello
Moderator: please move to correct forum (probably better chance of proper ID in another forum that not Plecos)

Re: Need help IDing well S. American catfish left to die!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 00:21
by mostlyfairy
Thank you Linus for the redirect. I know nothing about fish. I thought he looked most like this grouping- it was a shot in the dark :)

Re: Need help IDing well S. American catfish left to die!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 00:51
by mostlyfairy
This person, who seems wells informed, explains that when the iridescent shark catfish is kept in a too small tank, it will usually grow to about 10-14 inches and then die young of organ failure:

so now I am wondering if Nacho is NOT an iridescent shark catfish with his anatomy all distorted from poor nutrition and bad living conditions. We do know for a fact that he is over 15 years old. The woman who previously owned him and her son (who is not on drugs) stated that was his age several times. I tried to track her son down but her recently moved from here (AZ) to florida-no luck.

Re: Need help IDing well S. American catfish left to die!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 01:24
by racoll
An iridescent shark of 15 years should be enormous, bigger than can fit in any standard home aquarium. You can see the adult size of them on the cat-elog page.

I can't believe that it has been treated so badly, and is still alive. The fish is severely emaciated.

There is hope for the fish though. Take a look at this recent thread. I think everyone was absolutely astonished by the transformation.

Re: Need help IDing well S. American catfish left to die!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 01:58
by mostlyfairy
He looks so weird because he is emaciated. This makes sense. Please help me-tell me what to feed him! I don't know about fish. All I have fed him is the awful cheap top fin mostly fish meal wafers she left. They are likely old and vitamin depleted. Is it safe to offer frozen peas? I read this somewhere...or fresh greens? dehydrated shrimp and meal worms- I have them in the house for the turtle. Should I go buy algae wafers right now? Please tell me what to feed him if anybody knows- right now I don't understand how to help him yet because I'm not sure what he is and if he's a vegetarian or a carnivore even.

In my reading today I learned that there is also a mini version of the shark catfish called the short body balloon paroon shark:

That could explain how little he is. He could be an abuse emaciated one of these perhaps. But if he is very old, doesn't that mean I should primarily offer vegetarian based foods? would that be safe to offer no matter what he is? Is it okay to start offering some fresh vegetation, chopped romaine maybe? If anyone knows please tell me. I feel so bad for him.Thank you for guiding me to the other thread. Its heart breaking but I will read through it all and try to learn and gain hope and keep from hating humans even more than I already do.

Re: Need help IDing well S. American catfish left to die!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 02:34
by mostlyfairy
That thread was an amazing story. At least there are some good humans who go around undoing the damage caused by the bad ones. I wrote down all the foods from that thread (Omega one frozen foods, marine Veggie, tetra delica). I will google them and figure this out. I'm going to the pet store before they close for a water testing kit, water treatment chemicals, heater, air bubbler device (if its needed?) filter and thermometer. Now that I know he is severely emaciated, that means he needs a hospital tank type set up like in the other thread- he creates enough waste to change his water ph and nitrites on my urine testing strips every 5 hours or so. My frequent water changes mean frequent temperature changes for him which is too much stress. While I am there I guess I will just spend a fortune on all kinds of food and figure it out later that he can have some of it. I am struggling because there is such rich biodiversity amount what is called "south american catfish" with some not even being carnivorous. Its very hard right now to understand what is safe to feed him. Giving him the wrong thing or too much protein could even cause some kind of kidney failure I imagine (it certainly works that way in mammals). The other thread recommended frequent small feedings. I am going to use my common sense and shoot for stable high quality water kept on the warm side (warmed gradually over 24 hours-slow changes always best in nature) and small frequent feedings of mostly vegetarian nutrients with vitamins, maybe a little carnivorous protein if I can assure myself he is truly a shark catfish. Maybe I will brave talking to the psychotic drug addict again tonight and try to find out more.

Re: Need help IDing well S. American catfish left to die!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 03:10
by racoll
Live earthworms (nightcrawlers) are good to build up his strength.

Re: Need help IDing well S. American catfish left to die!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 03:16
by mostlyfairy
thank you racoll, I will see if they have them-leaving now ;)

Re: Need help IDing well S. American catfish left to die!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 15:29
by mostlyfairy
I bought all the supplies I could to get him inside and stayed up half the night situating him. The filter I got was $40 but it should have cost $5. It is a complete piece of garbage. I have my turtle on fluval Fx5. I can't even get the garbage filter to work- I thought for $40 it would at least be functional. I have to cycle all the way out there today and exchange it for a fluval canister filter- he needs good filtration. For food I got him live night crawlers (Oh my God, I cannot even believe they are in my refrigerator-I don't want to eat my own food anymore!!!), Omega one Veggie Rounds, API Bottom Feeder Shrimp Pellets, Marineland Algae Wagers and Omega One Whole Frozen Blood Worms. I tried last night to feed him three of the bottom feeder pellets and pieces of the aglae wafers but Nacho is too freaked out right now by all the changes-he needs time.

With the thermometers I learned that our Tucson water is coming out of the tap around 80 (its HOT here now), so he has been living in 80 degree water with his frequent water changes and I'm using his heater to keep his water at 80 now that I have him inside where its air conditioned.

The pH seems to hover around 7 but may have gotten more basic with the water conditioner I added (for chlorine, chloramines and hardness), only to maybe 7.5 at the most. Because I do not yet have a functional filter I'm still doing water changes to keep his water fresh. I don't own a car which makes getting bigger things for him more challenging, but I should be able to cycle later today after some sleep and go get a fluval.

His eyes are getting better. This is the third day I have had him in my possession. I found him on Thursday afternoon. His eye lenses would bellow in and out as he swam, they were so swollen then. They are not doing that now :) He is improving. He has been eating in my care-just his crappy old expired top fin tropical flakes (exp 2/2015, left out in the heat, vitamin C and others probably degraded). I think I can get him to eat some of the better foods I got in time as he feels adjusted to the new setting. He is acting less skittish inside then he was outside, as if he was used to being indoors before.

I am convincing myself more and more that he must be a horrifically abused shark catfish. The lady would cackle about her joke, telling her little son he was a shark and scaring him. What are the odds? Are there any other south american catfish with "shark" in the name? I have been googling. So if this is what he truly is, then he is omnivore but VERY OLD so most would recommend more vegetation than protein at this life stage in a healthy one. But getting him to eat at all my be tricky and he is emaciated which changes everything.

I am hoping someone with actual expertise who will give specific advice weighs in here soon. My concern is that I would hurt his kidneys by feeding him too much protein, like the night crawlers or blood worms. Have you ever heard that saying "you don't feed a starving man a steak" ? That is for good reason. So I'm trying to be gentle as I try to fix him. When he does start eating it will be very small amounts, but throughout the day. Even understanding what a small amount is for a fish is challenging for me.

I bought an air pump and air tubing thinking they need bubbling air to keep the water healthy-is this even true? I didn't know you have to get a little valve attachment. Have to go back to get that too.

I am so exhausted- I need sleep. I need to be getting work done on my home business. But I am determined to save him. I won't let that witch's selfishness succeed in killing him.

Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 16:04
by Birger
I am hoping someone with actual expertise who will give specific advice weighs in here soon do not get much better then Racoll !!

What I can say right now is calm down, it has lived until now...stability is a key thing, do not make a whole bunch of changes at once. The other Eupterus thread given by racoll had lots of good advice which can be used by you in the same way. Do not worry to get specific on the water parameters and feeding...keep things stable and clean with a varied diet and it should be okay, you can fine tune later as you see fit. A key point is to not overfeed.

I understand you are excited or stressed on this....It will help here to have clear and concise questions when asking your questions, we will help as we can.

An air bubbler will help a lot and continue to do the water changes until you get a functioning filter going...even then the water changes are good to do but to be specific no more than 40 % at a time if changing daily...

Oh and there is no need to talk to the bad neighbours...they did not do so well with the fish thus far I do not think they could help you at all...stay clear of them!!

stability stability stability!!


Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 17:45
by racoll
mostlyfairy wrote:Even understanding what a small amount is for a fish is challenging for me.
birger wrote:A key point is to not overfeed.
Try to be aware that despite how tough this fish is and the bad conditions it has tolerated, the biggest risk now is killing him* through kindness. Clearly he needs food, but overfeeding will kill him within hours. It's not so much what he eats, it's what he doesn't eat. He's unlikely to want to eat while so many changes are happening, so bombarding him with different types of food in the hope that he likes one of them is highly likely to pollute his tank. You understand about aquarium cycling and new tank syndrome, right?

I recommended live worms because few fishes can resist them, and it should trigger his natural hunting instinct. But yes, you are right, it's risky to overload his system with a ton of food at this stage. Give him a few days to get used to his new environment, then try a small worm. You can feed a worm every couple of days after that, and gradually more once the filter has matured. Try to be patient!

After you start feeding him, make sure you change 10% of the water daily so it doesn't get polluted. You can also kickstart the filter by using some of the media from the turtle tank filter.

*I say "he", but I don't know that for a fact; Nacho seems like a guy's name.

Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 19:39
by mostlyfairy
Ok, THANKYOU. I hugely appreciate specific advice.

From racoll...."bombarding him with different types of food in the hope that he likes one of them is highly likely to pollute his tank. You understand about aquarium cycling and new tank syndrome, right?"

No, I do not have any aquarium experience-zero. This information did not come up while learning the care of the turtle-her water is not tested or adjusted the way aquarium water is, I just keep her water crystal clear through the Fluval FX-5 and there have never been issues. I properly care for her by cleaning the fluval out every few weeks when I'm supposed to. It does have a layer of biological media in it that hosts bacteria good for her water- I now understand this is part of the cycling you are talking about. I will google aquarium cycling and new tank syndrome to read today so I gain full understanding of this topic.

About using her biological media to jump start Nacho's filter, a cool idea but wouldn't you be worried about introducing pathogens from the turtle's tank into weak sick likely immunocompromised Nacho's environment? Couldn't I even be risking introducing salmonella into his tank by doing that? (she's a red eared slider, I was warned they can be carriers of it).

Some sources said to offer south america catfish food twice a day, or at the least once a day...I'm assuming that's how often it is normal to feed fish. Given what you have emphasized about New Tank Syndrome and his reluctance to eat because of shock right now, I will pause offering food for a few days as you advise to give him a chance to adapt and adjust.

from racoll...."Give him a few days to get used to his new environment, then try a small worm. You can feed a worm every couple of days after that, and gradually more once the filter has matured. Try to be patient! After you start feeding him, make sure you change 10% of the water daily so it doesn't get polluted."

OK, thank you SO MUCH for all of this specific advice, I will definitely follow all of these suggestions. This sounds like a reasonable game plan. The only part of it I have reservation about it using the turtle's media to jump start Nacho's new filter. I will read more about tank cycling. The benefits may outweigh the risks, I guess its something I need to more fully understand. I worry about the infectious disease risk.

from Birger...(quoting me)"I am hoping someone with actual expertise who will give specific advice weighs in here soon" do not get much better then Racoll !!

I did not mean that in a bad way. I understand that this is a community of high level hobbyists, professional tank artists, scientists and researchers. Most people here have high level of specific knowledge in their field. But my statement was in reference to someone with knowledge giving SPECIFIC ADVICE. I was thinking no one was writing me any specific answers to numerous questions because they didn't know what kind of fish this was or what to do with him. Perhaps that was an incorrect assumption.

I have very very little knowledge about this intimidating chemistry oriented area of animal care. I have mostly cared for mammals my whole life. The reptile that I have has had very little water issues because I paid a fortune to buy quality materials to set up her home and I do the work to clean everything when it is supposed to get cleaned and buy fresh fluval filter pads, etc. Her water looks like bottled water all the time. I know almost nothing about this world of tank cycles and adjusting water pH. I took a day off from my work yesterday just to begin self education about what this fish could be and some of the chemistry involved. It is a very involved topic, and I'm actually a pretty fast learner. I am very grateful that both you and racoll have written comments today with more specific advice-thank you so much for taking the time to do this. It is very valuable in this awful situation.

from Birger...."An air bubbler will help a lot and continue to do the water changes until you get a functioning filter going...even then the water changes are good to do but to be specific no more than 40 % at a time if changing daily..."

Thankyou. I was actually on the fence about if I even needed that bubbler, it wasn't clear. I will keep it on board and get it going after I get the needed valve today. And that is good news about the amount of water to change out, I was doing around 30-40% water change daily. I will go return this piece of junk filter and purchase one of the fluval aquarium filters they have for the $100-$140 range to start getting this going in the correct direction.

Once the fluval is up and running....

from racoll.."After you start feeding him, make sure you change 10% of the water daily so it doesn't get polluted."

Yes, understood, this is for safety until the good bacteria set up home in his filter and I get a natural cycle going. I will do this.

from racoll..."I say "he", but I don't know that for a fact; Nacho seems like a guy's name."

His abuser referred to him as a "he". If this fish is indeed a iridescent shark catfish, everything I read about them yesterday says sexing them is impossible, so his actual gender would be an unknown. I think his abuser named him Nacho but its actually a very cute name and he has a following now, many people know of him and are routing for him to survive so we will keep the name :)

Birger, the abuser is not my neighbor. I am safe many hundreds of miles from her. When we spoke once it was on the phone and shortly afterwards I was talking to AT&T's legal department on how to take action if harassment began. My only interest in talking to her a second time was to attempt a better identification-to get more information on his origins and what he really is. I am OVERWHELMED by the biodiversity of this general term "south american catfish". I guess people here are used to it, but for someone just learning, it is staggering to comprehend the amount of subspecies there are and how different they are. The reality is I do not even understand if he is a carnivore. That is something I was really struggling with yesterday- could his condition have been so poor because she was feeding him omnivore fish flakes when he was meant to be a vegetarian? It sounds like you all worry about this much less than I do. It also sounds like it may be reasonable at this point to assume he is a badly abused growth stunted iridescent shark catfish and just work from there.

from Birger.....stability stability stability!!
from racoll......the biggest risk now is killing him* through kindness. Clearly he needs food, but overfeeding will kill him within hours. It's not so much what he eats, it's what he doesn't eat.

Based on what you are both indicating here, the plan is:
1.) stop all feeding for at least next 48hrs.
2.) all excess floating food has been removed from the water via a fine fish net-its gone.
3.) while no fluval filter is active, daily water changes can continue not to exceed 40% of water a day.
4.) when a fluval filter is active and he begins taking in food again, daily water changes can happen at about 10% of water a day until a good aquarium cycle is established (which I will now read about extensively today).

Here is my ONE remaining question from today: in my shoes, would you add some of the fluval biological media from my red eared slider's active filter into the Nacho's new filter? Would you take that infectious disease risk to get the benefits of an established aquarium cycle and the needed good bactieria? Or would you give more weight to the seriousness of Nacho's poor health (immunocompromised state) and the fact that he is a walking target for any pathogen right now?

Thank you SO MUCH for your time and help. I am immensely grateful, as is Nacho I'm sure. He clearly wants to live. He is showing us that.

Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 20:31
by racoll
mostlyfairy wrote:would you add some of the fluval biological media from my red eared slider's active filter into the Nacho's new filter? Would you take that infectious disease risk to get the benefits of an established aquarium cycle and the needed good bactieria? Or would you give more weight to the seriousness of Nacho's poor health (immunocompromised state) and the fact that he is a walking target for any pathogen right now?
I would say the benefits would outweigh the risks here, but I understand your concern. Interested what others think about this.
mostlyfairy wrote: I am OVERWHELMED by the biodiversity of this general term "south american catfish".
This fish is not from South America. It is from Asia, specifically the Thailand, Laos, Vietnam area.
mostlyfairy wrote:The reality is I do not even understand if he is a carnivore. could his condition have been so poor because she was feeding him omnivore fish flakes when he was meant to be a vegetarian?
This is an omnivorous catfish. They are not so fussy about what they eat when they are healthy. They will survive no problem on a diet of commercial omnivore food, but a varied diet is a good idea in the long run. However, initially it's best to stick to more meaty items to get him to put on some weight. I think he is in bad condition because he was kept in inadequate conditions and was not fed enough.
mostlyfairy wrote:all excess floating food has been removed from the water via a fine fish net-its gone.
What about the food on the bottom of the tank? I would remove that too.
mostlyfairy wrote:I didn't know you have to get a little valve attachment.
You're talking about the one-way air valve right? You only need that if the pump will be situated below or on the same level as the aquarium, so to prevent a back-siphon in the case of a power outage. It's a good safety measure, but you run can the pump right away without it until you get time to buy one (unless you have lots of power outages of course).

Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 20:47
by bekateen
About Salmonella, I would agree with Racoll, the benefits outweigh the risks. There in a concept in the field of immunology (how the body's defenses work) called "species defense." It means simply that some organisms (like certain bacteria) are harmful to us and yet others aren't simply because of who/what they are - their species identity. That's why, for example, some turtles carry salmonella: because the salmonella is relatively harmless to the turtles (even though the salmonella is harmful to us). Honestly, I don't know whether salmonella is harmful to your catfish, but I do know that poor water quality and urinary wastes like ammonia are. Your turtle's filter medium will help with that for sure.

Good luck, Eric

Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 21:05
by mostlyfairy
OK excellent. Thank you racoll and Eric for this input.

Racoll, it is VERY helpful to me to get final clarification that you feel he will benefit from an omnivore diet with a carnivorous focus at first because of his emaciation. But I understand also I have to go slow with him.

It is also very helpful to know that the valve is not critical...I will start the water aireation right now. All visible food is gone from his container. I used the net to agitate the contents off the bottom and strained everything out constantly stirring over 45 minutes till I couldn't see anything.

I understand he is actually from Asia, but isn't he still commonly referred to as a South American Catfish? Is it reasonable for us to think he was sold to the woman that way? Because she identifies him as that. Of course her brain is also fried which complicates all of this.

Eric, the turtle may well be Salmonella free too-one never knows. There is just the risk she is a carrier- and I understand what you are saying, in nature that could be normal and healthy, not pathogenic. Thank you for the input :)

I am leaning towards using some of the turtle's filter biological media layer to add to Nacho's filter, to take that chance given how serious this window of having no aquarium cycle sounds (AND ESPECIALLY IN THE HANDS OF A NOVICE). This situation is very different from the other thread where that emaciated fish's life was saved because the person doing the saving over there knew aquarium stuff. I have zero aquarium experience which makes the odds of fatal problems happening for a very weakened fish very high. So I am thinking you both are right-the benefits may far outweigh the risks here.

Thank you so much for the help.

Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 21:21
by racoll
mostlyfairly wrote:but isn't he still commonly referred to as a South American Catfish? Is it reasonable for us to think he was sold to the woman that way?
I have never heard of any person or any shop referring to this fish by that name. Sounds like this woman had misinformed herself somehow.
mostlyfairly wrote:This situation is very different from the other thread where that emaciated fish's life was saved because the person doing the saving over there knew aquarium stuff. I have zero aquarium experience which makes the odds of fatal problems happening for a very weakened fish very high.
Yes, absolutely, but the fact that you recognise that fact is a very good sign! You seem to be thinking about the right things and asking the right questions.

Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 22:17
by mostlyfairy
Well, if the chances are low that he was sold to her as a south american catfish, then I have to revisit if we have properly identified him. The only info I have is that she says he is a South American Catfish, she acquired over 15 years ago. She used to tease her son about him and tell her son he was "the shark". The only care she said he needed was "ammonia drops" added to his water but I could get around that by adding some of his old water to his new water. He came with top fin tropical flakes for food. That's the extent of what she has given us. His correct identification remains of high concern to me. Do you feel confident from looking at him, his appearance, that he matches an iridescent shark fish who has just been severely growth stunted and abused? If you feel its a good match, I can have confidence that she just was confused.

I'm very limited in my existing aquarium knowledge and my spending ability but what I have working in my favor is I am smart and can learn fast (I have a human health sciences graduate level education). And I love animals enough to find a way to get the money if their life depends upon it. I'm going to really try my best to save his life and give him peace in his last years.

I hooked up the bubbler, took some pix, will re-update late tonight or early tomorrow morning after successful start of a decent fluval canister filter. Thank you so much for the guidance! It is extremely valuable as I do not know much of what I'm doing.


Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 22:19
by Birger
mostlyfairy wrote:
would you add some of the fluval biological media from my red eared slider's active filter into the Nacho's new filter? Would you take that infectious disease risk to get the benefits of an established aquarium cycle and the needed good bactieria? Or would you give more weight to the seriousness of Nacho's poor health (immunocompromised state) and the fact that he is a walking target for any pathogen right now?

I would say the benefits would outweigh the risks here, but I understand your concern. Interested what others think about this.
I agree the benefits far outweigh the long as the environment the media comes from has is a healthy environment.


Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 22:34
by mostlyfairy
Great, thank you! Its crystal clear in there all the time, the turtle is healthy, and lush green algea wants to grow under her reptiglo lamp on her sunbathing platform, which all the turtle people told me is an excellent sign. 7 inch turtle in a 70 gallon indoor container (farmers feeding/watering plastic container). There is no chemical testing parameters of her water done- it is not an environment shared with any fish.

Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 22:35
by racoll
mostlyfairy wrote:The only care she said he needed was "ammonia drops" added to his water but I could get around that by adding some of his old water to his new water.
Ammonia is highly toxic to fish. Why she would do that is beyond me, but this explains how he ended up in the bad shape that he's in!
mostlyfairy wrote:Do you feel confident from looking at him, his appearance, that he matches an iridescent shark fish who has just been severely growth stunted and abused? If you feel its a good match, I can have confidence that she just was confused.
Yes, it's definitely an iridescent shark catfish.

Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 22:42
by mostlyfairy
okay. outstanding. I believe you. Now we have an ID.

But now I am so sad-he is so tiny. My God, he should be four feet. In too small an environment, they often die around 10 inches from organ failure according to one person on youtube. How sad. Could she really have been torturing him with ammonia? Could she have meant drops to counteract ammonia that he excretes?

Fifteen years of this. I am crying.
I believe he is going to live at least to enjoy some time the way his life should have been. The way I found him it was like I was supposed to find him. I am just going to try my best for him.

Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 22:55
by Birger
Sounds like luckily she may have been using conditioner drops that would have helped with waste and chlorine somewhat.

That could be a whole other kind of study to figure out the whys and hows of what has been done to this have to realize it could live one could live another ten years or more.
I consider it lucky now that you are trying to help this fish and moving forward is all you need concern yourself with to make the fish as comfortable as are doing great!!


Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 06 Jun 2015, 22:58
by mostlyfairy
Yes, true. I am glad to know racoll feels clear this is what he is. Its very hard for me to tell one fish from another. Having a clear ID is very important for care.

Thank you for the vote of confidence. It would be nice if he lived for a year and two and could enjoy a comfortable pampered existence for once. If he lives 10 years I'll be fine with that. I have all kinds of animals here that cruel people have turned their backs on. I created a whole family out of them :)

Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 07 Jun 2015, 00:14
by mostlyfairy
The pet store has the Fluval 206 filter. In it I will put a regular carbon bag (not the zeo carb), a compartment for bio max rings (for beneficial bacteria, this is where the turtle's well established bio max media will be mixed with Nacho's new bio max filter media) and there is a third compartment available if needed (some options: Fluval makes Fluval Clearmax Phosphate Remover, Fluval Peat Granules, Fluval Ammonia Remover). I'm thinking all the options in parenthesis are for specialty situations and I can just leave the third chamber blank or fill it with pre-filter media. Please let me know if you think I should buy any of the options in parenthesis- if they would be of value to Nacho in his bad situation.... so much to know.

Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 07 Jun 2015, 01:59
by racoll
I'm thinking all the options in parenthesis are for specialty situations and I can just leave the third chamber blank or fill it with pre-filter media.
Correct, they are for speciality situations. Don't leave it empty though. You should just add more of the 'Biomax' filter media that is in the main compartment. This is the good stuff, where the bacteria live, and the more the better.

Re: Need help saving abused emaciated 15 yr old iridescent shark catfish!!! HELP!

Posted: 07 Jun 2015, 02:31
by mostlyfairy
Ok, sounds like a plan, thank you racoll!