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If you saw me in a store what would you call me?

Posted: 04 Jun 2015, 03:32
by PseudaSmart
Just trying have a bit of light-hearted fun with this post.
If you saw this in a store tank without a description what would you think it is? TL is 3.5"
It is okay to be a bit biased since everyone knows my area of focus. It is not a L number cross and I currently keep 9 different Pseudacanthicus.

I will wait a bit before posting the answer.

Re: If you saw me in a store what would you call me?

Posted: 04 Jun 2015, 03:43
by bekateen
That depends. If the price is right, I'd call it mine! ;-)

Re: If you saw me in a store what would you call me?

Posted: 04 Jun 2015, 07:46
by Bas Pels
my experience is that any red-tailed Loricarid will be very shy, and therefore, even when cheap, kind of a waste of my money

Bekateen, I would therefore call it yours :)

Re: If you saw me in a store what would you call me?

Posted: 04 Jun 2015, 12:52
by dw1305
Hi all,
PseudaSmart wrote:If you saw this in a store tank without a description what would you think it is?
Stressed and in need of some more cover or a much darker tank.

cheers Darrel

Re: If you saw me in a store what would you call me?

Posted: 04 Jun 2015, 13:00
by Jools
Seriously, I would call that L114 / P. cf. leopardus and would seek to understand what it came in with because it's a pretty one!


Re: If you saw me in a store what would you call me?

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 01:53
by CharlieM9
Jools wrote:Seriously, I would call that L114 / P. cf. leopardus and would seek to understand what it came in with because it's a pretty one!


Jools, can I ask what would lean you toward the species? Thanks!

Re: If you saw me in a store what would you call me?

Posted: 05 Jun 2015, 09:31
by Jools
Jizz really, nothing more scientific.



Re: If you saw me in a store what would you call me?

Posted: 07 Jun 2015, 00:28
by PseudaSmart
Didn't mean to stretch this out for an extra day but my boys are home from college and the family had an fun night playing UNO.
Open ended questions always give interesting answers. Even the comment from Bas Pels didn't harsh my mellow! It was only in the small tank for 10 minutes and back to the regular tank. I thought it was more ticked off then stressed but point taken. One last comment then onto the answer. Water looks clear until you try to zoom in! I had to use coffee filters to clean the water when transferring it to take the video.

The answer is it is a P. leopardus(Trade name L600) It was from a spawn earlier in the year. L114/ P. cf. leopardus was the logical choice. The first time I saw it I thought a hypan had jumped into tank.
Here is the male and a typical juvenile at the same size.
Male_adult_red.jpg (37.86 KiB) Viewed 2035 times
juvenile_reg_red.jpg (24.84 KiB) Viewed 2035 times

It is surprises like this that keep me hooked!
Thanks for playing,

Re: If you saw me in a store what would you call me?

Posted: 01 Dec 2015, 20:38
by AquaticMadness
I posted on another thread from 2013, lol, in hopes of getting some good solid info. Hopefully. :)

What actually is the difference between the 114 and 600? Or even the 427? So many are telling me that spotting on the body and head. With that logic I would have answered that your original post was in fact an L114 and not the 600. Is the 600 still not recognized?

Any info regarding the differences between would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you