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Stocking Compatibility

Posted: 07 Apr 2015, 21:08
by carrotsdbunny

I currently have a 75g/284l tank with a fluval 406 canister filter. I'm planning on adding a second 406 canister and want some ideas on stocking suggestions. There is a healthy algae wall on the back of the tank, and algae tends to accumulate on the plant leaves. It would be nice to have something that would munch on the algae, but that isn't essential. Current inhabitants, living very peacefully together:

1 Synodontis Eupterus
5 Corydoras Aeneus

There is a bit of driftwood, some rock caves, a bunch of anubias plants and a few other assorted plants. Dim light and tahitian moonsand substrate. I'm keeping the tank at 74F/23C, and ph tends to be around 6ish. Not necessary to have any topswimmers, but would consider them.

Thanks for your advice!