Hi all. First post and I am pretty new to catfish. I picked up what was sold as Ancistrus Temmincki at my LFS. I picked him up pretty mcuh as an algae eater in my planted tank. Cute little guy about 2 inches tops.
Anyway can anyone confirm if this is what I actually bought?
A bigger image is
Anyway he has lots of algae to eat and I do toss in a cucumber once a week. The ottos, black molly and AAF dig in too.
Sure does look a lot closer to that. I'm still trying to get a better picture. He's such a tiny little bugger and does not usually get in the most photogentic postions. Thanks. I'll try to get some more pics and see if it does look like that one.
Not that it is a big deal. I like him. And he seems to do well. Certainly powers through cucumbers!