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asian pleco?

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 15:54
by justarn
hi all, its my first post whoop, im a regualar on mfk so some here may already know me... hi!-)

I have posted a similar thread on mfk, im looking for a readily available 12 inch plus asian pleco, are there any?

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 16:00
by Acanthicus
No asian plecos on this planet, sorry.
"Pleco" is a trivial name, derived from Plecostomus (the former "super genus") which is restricted to South America.

The only occuring plecos in Asia are invasive species.

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 16:03
by justarn
ok cheers, any thorough algae eaters? although many disagree i find them to do a great job! i recently had a tank near a window suffering from green algae on the glass so i put my l001 in and withing two days it was pristine.

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 16:18
by racoll
What is the scientific name of the fish you are looking for? This information might save us from having to guess.

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 17:02
by justarn
huh? im just looking for ideas is all, planning an asian tank and was hoping there were asian plecos.

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 17:17
by racoll
No, there are none, other than common plecos that have been released into the wild by humans.

I'd say that you would be best off with a Gyrinocheilus for algae duties. These can get pretty big, but you may need to grow out a small one, as you don't see big ones in the shops very often.

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 17:57
by bekateen
Justam, would you be willing to accept smaller algae eaters? Personally I'm not a fan of Gyrinocheilus because in my experience they get rather aggressive as they age. I much prefer Siamese algae eaters, Crossocheilus langei. But they aren't large fish.

Cheers, Eric

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 18:04
by racoll
Justam, would you be willing to accept smaller algae eaters? Personally I'm not a fan of Gyrinocheilus because in my experience they get rather aggressive as they age. I much prefer Siamese aglae eaters, Crossocheilus langei. But they aren't large fish.
I'm guessing that because justarn is from MFK, that he's not going to be keeping it with guppies and platies ...

But, yes, more information would be helpful!

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 18:21
by bekateen
racoll wrote:I'm guessing that because justarn is from MFK, that he's not going to be keeping it with guppies and platies ...
Yes, you're spot on there. LOL.

In all fairness to Siamese algae eaters, they can reach 150mm/6in. They aren't tiny.

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 19:03
by justarn
yeah sorry, probably gonna get flamed but i have been keeping my 18inch wyckii in my community (300g 84x24x34) for 18m since he was 12inch with very few problems, currently i have a mish mash of cichlids and fish inc 13 inch tilapia buttikoferii, 12inch suncat, 14 inch asian aro, midas, irwini, gibby...
Im toying with the idea of making it an all asian affair but cant do without an algae eater, i will check out the idea above thanks.

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 19:07
by justarn
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri might work, guessing they are the everyday lfs sucking loach!? didnt realise they get that large, thanks people.

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 19:21
by racoll
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri might work, guessing they are the everyday lfs sucking loach!?
Generally, yes, although they do get mixed up with the siamese algae eaters (Crossocheilus spp.).

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 08 Feb 2015, 19:34
by justarn

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 09 Feb 2015, 05:06
by Shovelnose
bekateen wrote:In all fairness to Siamese algae eaters, they can reach 150mm/6in. They aren't tiny.


These were among the largest Crossocheilus I have collected, the largest were a few inches larger than this specimen!!! Large specimens do enter the trade but I think they all end up going to Japan.

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 09 Feb 2015, 05:13
by bekateen
Thank you, Balaji! Those are big Siamese algae eaters!

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 09 Feb 2015, 07:40
by Bas Pels
racoll wrote:
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri might work, guessing they are the everyday lfs sucking loach!?
Generally, yes, although they do get mixed up with the siamese algae eaters (Crossocheilus spp.).
Funny, in the Netherlands G ammonieri, not Crossocheilus is referred to as the Siamese Algae eater. Another example of the problems one gets when not using Latin names

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 13 Feb 2015, 03:09
by Viktor Jarikov
Hey Justin! Good to see you here, mate. This place is a bit different from MFK. One big difference is quality and maturity, e.g., Racoll is a freshly baked Ph.D. in ichthyology and Shovelnose is as knowledgeable as an Indian fish nut can be. So you are getting great info here.

So the better one asks a question, the incomparably more solid the answer gets :)

Another big difference is efficiency and seriousness, e.g., "content-free" or meaningless etc. posts are frowned upon / not welcomed here.

"Flaming" can happen but is exceedingly rare vs. MFK :)

Being on topic is more strictly adhered to on here (yes, you can have me eat my own words).

Pics, as anywhere, attract attention and traffic :)

Re: asian pleco?

Posted: 15 Feb 2015, 18:21
by Viktor Jarikov
BTW Justarn's thread: Project black devil cat in a 300g community! ... -community!