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Unknown Uruguayan Ancistrus(3)

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 21:32
by Jools
Last of the bunch...

Re: Unknown Uruguayan Ancistrus(3)

Posted: 04 Feb 2015, 01:46
by Shane
Is there more information to distinguish these three? Uruguay only has six distinct river systems... so mapping each one to a specific drainage should be easy and would faciliate ids.

Re: Unknown Uruguayan Ancistrus(3)

Posted: 04 Feb 2015, 02:15
by Shane
Just using the thread for some notes...

A. Sp Rio Guaybo ... 13&t=37793

Wikipedia's cirrohosus (gorgeous fish)

Ancistrus taunayi. Appears to be the Rio Guaybo fish above. ... om-uruguay

I can only find three scientific records and they are for
A. cirrhosus (no type locality)
A. hoplogenys (doubtful id?)
A. taunayi (Rio Negro)


Re: Unknown Uruguayan Ancistrus(3)

Posted: 04 Feb 2015, 08:34
by Bas Pels
Generally speaking, many, I think most, of the catfishes in Uruguay are not described.

Take, for example, Rhineloricaria. 2 species, both from the Rio Santa Lucia, while the whole country has some kind of Rhineloricaria. With 2 species in 1 river, the country would end up with 10 species or more.

Well, only 2 are described yet.

More or less the same goed for cichlids. I don't know about the chacarins, and I think the life bearers are all described. But still, a lot of work is to be done

Re: Unknown Uruguayan Ancistrus(3)

Posted: 04 Feb 2015, 21:51
by Jools
Thanks for the replies.
This map is useful. What I will do is find out exactly where these fishes came from so to put them on it.


PS Shane, that wikipedia photo is photoshopped to hell, looking closely, it appears tobe a fish on a light background that's been dropped in a nice backdrop!

Re: Unknown Uruguayan Ancistrus(3)

Posted: 04 Feb 2015, 22:30
by Shane
That would make sense. Just seemed too pretty.

Map would help, but I am sure that Bas is correct that most spp in Uruguay are undescribed.

Looking at the map, what a great place to explore and map spp variability between drainages.


Re: Unknown Uruguayan Ancistrus(3)

Posted: 04 Feb 2015, 23:01
by Jools
BTW, if you hover over the original pics, you will get what little info I have on location. However, I am over in Copenhagen next weekend and will be able to get some precise localities from the photographer.

Re: Unknown Uruguayan Ancistrus(3)

Posted: 01 Jul 2015, 06:26
by tr6
i have collected in Uruguay 6 different trips, many times up to 20 different spots, not just a mile away, but often many hours away, so i have covered alot of the country fishing.
there are Ancistrus all over the country in each body of water, rivers, streams, ponds and different parameters.
there are slight differences in spot size, and spot color i dont know if they are distinct species or not.

Its one of my favorite places, wouldnt mind retiring there.
catch cichlids and cats every day, not bad!