l264 question

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l264 question

Post by zeebo »

hi , I have an L264 . He is the only L in this 54g corner tank. Other fish are mostly rainbows .

first question - I have found him sleeping under his wood(large piece of wood ) on his back. Is this normal, jeez I thought he was dead the first time I saw him/her doing that .

second question - I have some rainbows , there is an alpha turquoise male rainbow who has 4 females. He ignores them to the best of my observance , however , very often he will be hanging around the bottom where he can see the L264 Sultan under the massive wood. The rainbow changes from a dark turquoise to a yellow head all the way down the top of his body , and also his lower half of his body changes to yellow, below the stripe. He spends much time down there swimming back and forth to see in the 3 inch wood gap where the L loves to hang. The minute the rb leaves the area , in the blink of an eye , he is back to his normal colors...so what is he doing ? trying to make friends or trying to intimidate him(although the yellow coloring does not look scary) ?? This is the only time I have seen the rb change color ,not for the ladies, never. Any ideas appreciated , sorry 2 questions :YMPEACE:
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Re: l264 question

Post by rcbows »

Hanging upside down for a catfish is normal. The rainbow is probably telling him this is his territory and he is the boss of the tank the Alpha rainbow. The other rainbows already know this so he doesn't display to them only to intruders into his territory. That is what it sounds like to me. Anyone else with more rainbow experience might have a different view!

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Re: l264 question

Post by zeebo »

thanks Ron, I did not realize he was showing the Sultan He is the boss of the tank, man the L264 is almost twice his size and the sultan allows this behavior .... :-O guess someone's gotta be boss in the tank.. even the bosemani bow to this turquoise. Appreciate the reply , Georgie
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