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New Peru Cory - Huagana (trade name)

Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 07:30
by cjerrom
I got a lot of these with my C123, ateropersonatus, and these have very light green tinge to them but I do not know what they truly are as they were sold as Huagana cories!
Got to love these exporters!

Re: New Peru Cory - Huagana (trade name)

Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 14:02
by Karsten S.

well, first the "easier" part: your "C. xinguensis" should be C. loretoensis, C. atropersonatus is correct.
The other one is quite interesting.

I have not yet heard "Huagana" as a trade name but I assume that this fish came in with the same shipment (from Iquitos) like the others, is this correct ?!
Do you know the name of the exporter (although they usually also don't know more details) ?!
It seems to be CW072 where we don't know the exact origin and only know (or assume) that they come from Peru.
Huagana is a name of a quebrada (small affluent) of the Tigre river which might indicate a correct origin of this cory. The Tigre river is not on the standard route of ornamental fish collectors and might still have some unknown species...


Re: New Peru Cory - Huagana (trade name)

Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 18:11
by Kampfer
I believe the trade is "Huagana" should "Huangana" , which is the trade name for C Stenocephalus, which is from Peru.

Re: New Peru Cory - Huagana (trade name)

Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 19:18
by Coryman
I would like to see more images of the long snouted one, the image looks a little washed out.

Re: New Peru Cory - Huagana (trade name)

Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 19:44
by Karsten S.

this was also my first thought (before I saw the pics) that it's just a typo.
But the cory does not have any similarities with C. stenocephalus and usually the trade names are local names and they are used consistently (which does not keep them from inventing new ones at need).

I tend to believe that this is a new trade name for a new cory. We will see if we find this name on future stock lists...

I also would like to see more pictures as the typical? band of CW072 is broader and much more distinct.


Re: New Peru Cory - Huagana (trade name)

Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 20:04
by MChambers
Interesting find. A friend of mine collected C123, atropersonatus, and loretoensis all at a single location in Peru on the Rio Nanay. Wonder if this other fish also came from there.

Re: New Peru Cory - Huagana (trade name)

Posted: 23 Dec 2014, 01:12
by cjerrom
First - Huangana (my mistake and then autocorrect took over)
Xinguensis - loretoensis - not an issue but I will update my lists - that's why I post
All these were from Iquitos but I will ask my guy where he got the Huangana from as I am getting a lot of Brazilian plecos from him as well.

Below is the copy of the names the cories were shipped as:
Corydora atropersonatus
Corydora orange aeneus
Corydora xinguensis
Corydora Yellow cats (c123)
Cory sp ( Huangana )
Corydora long nose brochis (8-10cm)

Send me an email at - I will upload a pile of clips of these guys, CW101 as well as the long nose reynoldsi (black face and regular).

Ian - I just got my first cory book published by yourself as my first Christmas present from my children. I mistakenly opened it today when it came in the mail.