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fish collecting in the Amazon

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 00:01
by Brucifer
I was wondering if anyone has ever done this before? I think this would a awesome experience. I know it isnt cheap.

Re: fish collecting in the Amazon

Posted: 20 Dec 2014, 03:09
by Narwhal72
There are several tour agencies that do trips with collecting in Peru and Uruguay. Margarita tours in Peru is probably the most popular.

It's not legal to do in many other countries including Brazil, although there are trips in these countries where you can catch and photograph fish. But you can't keep what you catch unless it is exported by a licensed exporter.


Re: fish collecting in the Amazon

Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 19:59
by Coryman
Collecting fish in the Amazon is a fantastic experience and one I can thoroughly recommend. But! make sure you go with the right company/person. Not all have you or the fish you collect at the top of their "To be looked after" priority list. Check out their credentials first.

Margarita Tours based in Iquitos, Peru is one I would highly recommend, along with Felipe Cantera, Uruguay Collecting Trips.


Re: fish collecting in the Amazon

Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 20:27
by kruseman
French Guiana is good. I went there last Christmass: Good infrastructure, lots of fish and with the right permit you can bring your fish with you back home.

I stayed here :

Re: fish collecting in the Amazon

Posted: 23 Dec 2014, 07:25
by bekateen
How is Project Piaba? Do they allow / help you bring fish back?