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Stocking ideas. Platydoras and others

Posted: 14 Dec 2014, 23:58
by Psy
Well, I now have an open 120 gallon (48x24x24) and an empty 75 gallon (48x18x20).

I also have an 80g (60x18x18), and several smaller tanks. I'll have 2 20 longs (betta/bristlenose and betta/cories) and a spare 10 gallon. Unassigned fish are the Salvini/Convict pairs (the 80 or 75), the Platydoras (4 of them), and a herd of swordtail livebearers.

If the Platydoras go into the 120, what should I put with them? I have plenty of wood, I could go with a Panaque. Could go with the swordtails, but I'm still without a centerpiece. I'd be tempted to do some sort of cichlid. Angelfish? Whats actually found near them?

Then I still have an empty 75/80g...