Should I move my Megalodoras uranoscopus to a grow out tank?

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Should I move my Megalodoras uranoscopus to a grow out tank?

Post by mudfrogk5 »

Hey guys, I have a 125g mostly consisting of catfish and bichirs. I've had my Irwini since May and I really haven't noticed much growth from him yet. I target feed him when I can but usually a tankmate grabs the food. I try to primarily feed while the lights are on and then drop some in about an hour or two later when the lights are off, he's obviously getting enough food to maintain but he hasn't grown much. He's only grown 1-1.5" since May. I was wondering if it would be advisable to place him in my 20 gallon growout tank until he can get some more girth on him. Or should I leave him alone?

I don't think the bichirs usually eat to much after the first initial feeding, it's the pair of 7" Synodontis decorus's which are absolute pigs, I believe they are taken majority of the food.
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Re: Should I move my Megalodoras uranoscopus to a grow out t

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

How big is it?

IME and from that of others, ~10%-20% of irwinies "refuse" to grow. In my most vivid experience, 6 have grown from 4" to 10" in 6 months whilst 1 has not grown noticeably at all. All in one tank. The one didn't look sick, just had an ~10x lesser appetite than the 6. When I pull them from their 1500 gal pond to place back in tanks, I will know more.
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Re: Should I move my Megalodoras uranoscopus to a grow out t

Post by Richard B »

Have you tried feeding later with specific foodstuffs that are favoured bu the irwini & less desirable to the others? I'm thinking live mealworms and snails. Snails can easily be cultured & treated for any parasites/diseases to ensure they're safe.
prawns, earthworms etc are generally snaffled by the other fish you mention as favourites
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