Dying microglanis
Posted: 01 Nov 2014, 21:00
I don't know when this started as these guys are in hiding almost all the time. The last time I saw them about and about was probably 3-4 months ago. A month ago I noticed one of the three looked really skinny. I assumed internal parasites and treated the tank with a combo of metro/prazi. A week later I followed that up with two treatments of levamisole over a two week period since I'd had a camallanus issue with my livebearers about a year ago. Last treatment was 7 days ago. I've lost one already and I'm afraid the one pictured is too far gone. I'm absolutely gutted as these are the fish that got me hooked on cats. No one else in the tank appears affected. Any ideas what this is and if I can save the last one? I'd also really like to prevent this from ever happening in the future.
1. Water parameters
a) Temperature range. 74-75f
b) pH. 7.2-7.4
c) GH.
d) KH
e)Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, levels. 0,0,10-15
f) Water change frequency. 50% weekly
2. Tank set up
a) Size. 20 high
b) Substrate. Caribsea sand
c) Filtration. Marineland penguin 200
d) Furnishings. Slate caves, driftwood, flower pots, heavily planted
e) Other tank mates. 2 juvenile ancistrus, 6 cory. Metae, handful of juvenile swords (which the cats usually eat)
f) How long has it been set-up? 2 years
g) When was the last new fish added? Every few months I add sword or guppy fry as live food
h) Foods used and frequency? Kens earthworm pellets, NLS pellets, plecocaine, cobalt flake, frozen bloodworms, mysis shrimp. Feed once daily alternating what they get, with a day of fasting every 7-10 days
3. Symptoms / Problem description
Emaciation, lethargy, death
4. Action taken (if any) moved to hospital tank
5. Medications used (if any) metro/prazi, levamisole
1. Water parameters
a) Temperature range. 74-75f
b) pH. 7.2-7.4
c) GH.
d) KH
e)Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, levels. 0,0,10-15
f) Water change frequency. 50% weekly
2. Tank set up
a) Size. 20 high
b) Substrate. Caribsea sand
c) Filtration. Marineland penguin 200
d) Furnishings. Slate caves, driftwood, flower pots, heavily planted
e) Other tank mates. 2 juvenile ancistrus, 6 cory. Metae, handful of juvenile swords (which the cats usually eat)
f) How long has it been set-up? 2 years
g) When was the last new fish added? Every few months I add sword or guppy fry as live food
h) Foods used and frequency? Kens earthworm pellets, NLS pellets, plecocaine, cobalt flake, frozen bloodworms, mysis shrimp. Feed once daily alternating what they get, with a day of fasting every 7-10 days
3. Symptoms / Problem description
Emaciation, lethargy, death
4. Action taken (if any) moved to hospital tank
5. Medications used (if any) metro/prazi, levamisole