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Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 18 Oct 2014, 12:01
by JamesFish
Hi All,
I have an unhealthy obsession with catfish and have been tempted by this one for a while. I missed it in the shop before I bagged myself another catfish but once store keeper told me he / she was still in stock I couldn't resist. I'm having trouble catching him / her eating and am wondering if I am trying the right foods. I've tried looking through most of what comes up with name ancistrus and nothing comes up I'm comfortable with.
Tried algae wafers seen on once for a few seconds swam off again.
JMC catfish pellets the cory's scoffed the lot no interest.
King British catfish pellets again the cory's scoffed the lot.
JBL novo tabs cory's made such a mess with this it ended up everywhere but no idea if eaten.
Frozen pea's boiled and shelled are next on my attempt list but after so long in the shop I know it must have been feeding on something dry good wise.
It was once marked as a wild ancistrus, than simple ancistrus I could really use some help ensuring I'm giving the correct food and home I need to provide. Currently has taken a real liking to fluval shrimp tree trunk as a home.
So to the badly taken pictures! So sorry my photo skills are really naff on a good day. I forgot to disable my flash on one I'm sure it did not please the fish.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 18 Oct 2014, 16:04
by Silurus
The color pattern on the body is vaguely reminiscent of
, but I don't think that's it.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 18 Oct 2014, 18:58
by racoll
Much better photos are required if you want anything other than a wild guess.
It could be something a bit unusual, like
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 18 Oct 2014, 19:16
by JamesFish
Thanks for the help. I will try and get more photo's in a couple of weeks time when the catfish should be a little more settled.
I assume a top shot.
Side shot.
Daiganonal down.
Head down.
Will try and get him / her into a tub for a few shots when next up for moving.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 19 Oct 2014, 15:30
by nvcichlids
why no paraoto. sp jumbo
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 19 Oct 2014, 15:54
by JamesFish
Parotocinclus jumbo if anyone else is searching for paraoto. sp jumbo - Says 2" max length this not so little one is about 3.5inch from nose to tail. Got a trailing tail as hiding behind the filter at the moment guess with window open his tree isn't providing enough cover.
Think I will need to get some decent photo's and let it settle more.
Good news is doesn't seem to mind sharing the Q tank which is a result.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 20 Oct 2014, 03:12
by nvcichlids
Sorry I meant paraoto spilosoma. U said yours was bigger but your measurement included the tail. The measurements on here I believe do not include the tail. I believe spilosoma is the correct id
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 22 Oct 2014, 20:59
by JamesFish
Thanks I think thats incredible considering the quality of my photographs! Sorry for late reply lost the thread I stuggle with the forum at times.
The ID also means I dont have to stress about it crossing with my Ancistrus as it doesnt appear from my basic understanding to be same family. For anyone doing a search paraoto spilosoma - Does appear to be able to do some fantastic colouration if you can make it happy.
In the unlikely event I can find another one how do you sex these. Its the natural question after finding out the catfish for me as its always so tempting to try something a little different.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 23 Oct 2014, 04:15
by racoll
nvcichlids wrote:I believe spilosoma is the correct id
I'm happy to be proved wrong, but I am very sceptical about that ID. It looks way too large for
(compare to the size of the oto), and I never heard of or saw one at 3.5".
I'd love to see more pictures of this fish.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 25 Oct 2014, 08:21
by Borbi
I would add Peckoltia caenosa to the list of potential candidates..
But to get a better ID, you´ll have to provide better pictures!
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 27 Oct 2014, 19:07
by JamesFish
Thanks again all- Still trying on picture front. Behaviour wise not much to go on. Does like to dig if cant find a dark spot. Have since added a coconut cave and likes to sit inside face out. Does like food but wont feed with lights on. Algae wafers are readily accepted. Havent seen him go after JMC pellets spirulina flake got his / her interest but didnt want to come out for it.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 20:10
by JamesFish
This probably the best picture I have ever taken. I fed him a wafer after this was over and turned out the light in way of a sorry about the flash. I got some shelled pea's in an hour or 2. I feelbad for doing this, netted as gently as possible and not held in tub for longer than 10 minutes but the accidently flash and general stress cant have been nice.
Did not realise camera angel affected the way he / she length appears but is over 3" approaching 4 nose to tail its a standard style takeway tub being used.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 20:42
by racoll
I think Borbi is bang on the money with
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 20:55
by Jools
racoll wrote:I think Borbi is bang on the money with
Hmmm. It's tempting, but I see a
headshape in there and the eyes look larger too. I'm afraid I think we need a shot of the mouth to be sure this isn't an oddly coloured
or similar.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 30 Oct 2014, 17:16
by Borbi
with those pictures I actually agree with Jools, it IMHO is something like H. debilittera.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 30 Oct 2014, 21:02
by racoll
Agreed. The eyes/head are very
JamesFish, looks like photos of the mouth are needed if you want a more definite ID. Don't worry about stressing the fish. A healthy plec will not be negatively affected for more than a few hours.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 30 Oct 2014, 22:40
by JamesFish
Thank you again to those who have looked and replied taking time out of your busy days. I will work on photo's in next week or so (I need to recharge the camera and have a little time to workout lighting / position for a reasonable shot . Your time and effort is appreciated, I'm sure like many others I couldn't access help on this level without Planet catfish.
I think by mouth you are looking for a picture like this one? This is not from the fish but from Planet catfish on a common BN stating its a mouth shot. Sorry I knew it would have an example to use. Pulled by linking to image directly not re uploaded. Hopefully it works for everyone.
Sorry I couldn't workout how to code in a downsize.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 02 Nov 2014, 20:17
by JamesFish
As I was cleaning another tank he was up against the glass main camera had a flat battery so grabbed the phone I doubt these are good enough quality but here goes. I will try to get better ones.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 02 Nov 2014, 21:49
by racoll
Jools was right. Definitely
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 03 Nov 2014, 09:31
by Jools
racoll wrote:Jools was right. Definitely
I made guesses once there were more pictures, so it was easier for me. Also, this is an oddly coloured individual perhaps a mature male to be so dark.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 03 Nov 2014, 20:54
by JamesFish
I'm surprised my poor photo's were enough to go on. Not sure if the dark colour is due to my black substrate. I hope its not a reflection of stress as it was chalky grey in the shop.
Was hoping to place in here with a female BN. Planning to add the coconut cave its taken a liking to and thinking something else small as a hidey hole. I realise its a little lacking in size and hiding spots if everything kicks off on territorial mode. A clown loach lives in the boat and can be stroppy.
Filter should cope and planning on removing a few tetra's at same time to make way for some bronze cory's(I have a soft spot for them).
Hopefully wont eat my ammano or khuli loach.
Digging though catalogue as to what he might be but havent come up with any idea's I dare voice yet.
Does an artical I missed help with how to ID? I know in this case it had to do with size, eye (size), head shape and mouth but I dont understand what you looked for to work it out.
Re: Need Allot of Help, I'm grey with a stripey pattern
Posted: 27 Nov 2014, 06:19
by joncairns
I suggest feeding Courgette, put on full setting in microwave for 45 seconds, allow to cool then weight it down so it can feed from it on the bottom of the tank. I will be absolutely amazed if that does not work.