Hemiloricaria sp. 'Barcelos' breeding

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Lars Jamne
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Hemiloricaria sp. 'Barcelos' breeding

Post by Lars Jamne »

Got myself a nice group of these last year as a trade for some norwegian breed L236 "Glasers" and some weeks ago I relocated the Barcelos to a bigger and more suitable tank waterparamether wise. Didn't take long before I found a male in a tube cave and even shorter time before I found a female in the tube too. Seems like sexing of the group of seven individuals is close to 50/50 and that's a good thing. I now have collected 30-40 small F1s a DIY breeding box since they live and breed in a SA community tank at the moment. Considering getting gjem a speciestank so they can get busy without the Pt. Leopoldi's or Geophagus sp. 'Pindaré' show to mich interest in the green gold hidden in the caves. So far they seem to be interested in spawning once a month, a few days before fullmoon.

Temp 28.0 C
pH 5.5
kH 1
Gh ?
0.28 ms/cm
203 TDS
Hemiloricaria sp. 'Barcelos' F1
Hemiloricaria sp. 'Barcelos' F1
Hemiloricaria sp. 'Barcelos' egg
Hemiloricaria sp. 'Barcelos' egg
Green gold in the cave
Green gold in the cave
Lars Jamne
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Re: Hemiloricaria sp. 'Barcelos' breeding

Post by Lars Jamne »

One of five from my first successfull batch of Hemiloricaria sp. 'Barcelos' F1. They are spawning again now so hopefully a larger batch will make it this time.
They already have a new batch of green eggs in their favourite cave, hopefully they will continue like this so I can get a few more to grow up in 2015.
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Re: Hemiloricaria sp. 'Barcelos' breeding

Post by Barbie »

Oh congratulations! Those eggs always look somewhat artificial to me. Such a neat fish!

Lars Jamne
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Re: Hemiloricaria sp. 'Barcelos' breeding

Post by Lars Jamne »

The eggs have hatched and the fry have left the cave now, seems to be a good amount that managed to hatch successfully this time. Hoping that they will take food when the yolk is used up in a few days.
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