Spawning age / size

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Spawning age / size

Post by mattlamm »

Hi guys, was wondering if anyone could help out with some info. I'm trying to find out at what age or size the following cats are mature enough to spawn at.

L104 (Clown pleco)
L201 (Orinoco Angel pleco)

Also, would they spawn together in the same breeding tank or is it better to have a setup per species?

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Re: Spawning age / size

Post by Nabobmob1 »

I've not spawned the L104 but the L201 can start spawning around 2.5-3" SL. Depending on feedings and water quality 2-3 years from hatching to reach this size.

Given proper space and cave placement I don't see any reason these couldn't be setup together with the L104.
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Re: Spawning age / size

Post by mattlamm »

Hi Nabobmob1, thanks for the info! Glad to hear they can spawn together. Was wondering if the presence of each other would put them off, or if they would distrupt each other. When I try I'll be sure to put plenty caves!
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