ID for this brown/black and white pleco

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ID for this brown/black and white pleco

Post by BazzNL »


Today I got a catfish from a friend who adopted it some time ago (possibly years). Since he's more in the adoption of water turtles and I am more in to catfish I agreed to take him(I guess).

Since I have three tanks to potentially put him in, I took the gamble.

The fish was photographed after transportation (stressed). He has a black/brown colour with white stripes. He somewhat mirrors my L134. The brown/black colour is not very bright, but a bit pale (also in the tank before I caught him). The fish is about 5 - 6 cm long. I think it is not a juvenile since some 'spikes' on the tail root(?) are visible.

The water he was in was a bit brownish, as can be seen on photo 1 and 2.

If I had to make a guess, I would go for an L270.

Thanks for your help!
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Re: ID for this brown/black and white pleco

Post by Acanthicus »


thats a Panaqolus for sure, looks like P. aff. maccus. Most specimens in the trade are L 448.
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Re: ID for this brown/black and white pleco

Post by BazzNL »

Sorry, forgot to thank you!
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