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my 55 gallon

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 06:37
by crab
My 55 g. Tank just a few plants gonna add more and a flat Rock for my cory cats.

Re: my 55 gallon

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 07:40
by mikeyrose
That looks awesome, and I love the Squidward house! I have the exact same one, which used to be a betta's hangout. ^u^
I do still wish our old tank of the same size had been horizontal instead of vertical, but that's what my folks had figured would fit best.

Re: my 55 gallon

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 09:05
by crab
My granddaughter picked it out for me lol she loves the fish and makes them talk lol :))

Re: my 55 gallon

Posted: 07 Jul 2014, 23:11
by mikeyrose
LOL, that's great; she sounds just like me! I would always name every fish (well, we did have a school of neon tetras called Fred 1, Fred 2, etc.), based mainly on appearance, and give them voices based on their personalities.