Transporting small peppermint bristlenose catfish.

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Transporting small peppermint bristlenose catfish.

Post by cambrew »

I am looking at buying approx 9-10 peppermint bristlenose catfish at about 2-3cm and will have to travel 300km (3hours) to get home. Do you think this is a bit risky with them at this size or should I be fine if I put them in an esky? TIA
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Re: Transporting small peppermint bristlenose catfish.

Post by Birger »

You could put 3 to 5 in a bag depending on the size of the bags. Have them double bagged. Extreme temperature is to be avoided, keep the esky out of the sun. Pack them so they do not roll around should be fine.


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