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Posts: 39
Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 11:01
My aquaria list: 1 (i:0)
Location 2: Rutland


Post by fairgroundfish »

Somy goldfish are moving home this weekend into a pond as they have now out grown the tank, i will be buying a heater and setting the tank up ready to recieve some guppies, now java plants have started to receive potted plants again i can actually get some more..... Still have my bristlenose, seems to be doing well, isnt as shy anymore and will come out and scoot around the sides vacuuming. Anyway im looking at getting some corydoras to help with the up keep of the housework and wondered which species would be best to get?? im sure the plec will be happy with some company too....on a down note made the disasterous mistake of potting plants in soil, i have spent the best part of a week vacuuming the sand and rinsing and sifting.....never again, blinking goldies i did put gravel over them like old pots but the just dug it all out, woke to find one pkant floating on top,.... they have been repotted in their sand with their gravel on top....fingers crossed, once the go all the sand is being done..... pfffff
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