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Advise Breeding L066

Posted: 11 May 2014, 13:00
by Juiceyfish
Hi I am getting 2 male two female l066 and will be breeding them! If anyone who has bred these please help me with any valuable advise as to what I may need to do to succeed !! Thanks

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Re: Advise Breeding L066

Posted: 11 May 2014, 14:13
by Atmichaels
There is a Shane's World article. Also, if you go to the species page there are some breeding reports linked there.

Re: Advise Breeding L066

Posted: 11 May 2014, 21:47
by victoriaz24
You will need a couple of caves & know the size of cave(s) you will need for them to breed. I have found with trial & error, my Pleco's like this style of cave the best as they can rest on the edge.



Colour doesn't matter, as they are not picky about that, or the type of stone, just the size.

If you don't have any caves or can't find any, then contact me & I can help.

Re: Advise Breeding L066

Posted: 12 May 2014, 23:21
by Juiceyfish
victoriaz24 wrote:You will need a couple of caves & know the size of cave(s) you will need for them to breed. I have found with trial & error, my Pleco's like this style of cave the best as they can rest on the edge.



Colour doesn't matter, as they are not picky about that, or the type of stone, just the size.

If you don't have any caves or can't find any, then contact me & I can help.
What are those caves make with?! Thanks

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Re: Advise Breeding L066

Posted: 13 May 2014, 06:52
by leisure_man

Re: Advise Breeding L066

Posted: 13 May 2014, 12:18
by dw1305
Hi all,
What are those caves make with?!
They aren't my caves, but my suggestion would be that, based upon the colour and the holes in the rock, they are made from "travertine" stone floor tiles.

I thought about using these when I had spare left from a tiling job, but as travertine <> is a form of limestone (CaCO3) I decided not to.

cheers Darrel

Re: Advise Breeding L066

Posted: 14 May 2014, 03:12
by Juiceyfish
dw1305 wrote:Hi all,
What are those caves make with?!
They aren't my caves, but my suggestion would be that, based upon the colour and the holes in the rock, they are made from "travertine" stone floor tiles.

I thought about using these when I had spare left from a tiling job, but as travertine <> is a form of limestone (CaCO3) I decided not to.

cheers Darrel
Limestone does some bad stuff to the water doesn't it?

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Re: Advise Breeding L066

Posted: 28 May 2014, 19:55
by dw1305
Hi all,
Limestone does some bad stuff to the water doesn't it?
Not really "bad stuff", it just means that you can't reduce the pH much below pH7. When the water is alkaline the CaCO3 will remain as a solid, but as the pH approaches neutral the calcium (Ca++) and bicarbonate ions (2HCO3-) ions will go into solution. The HCO3- ion is is the carbonate buffering we measure as "dKH". If you have lots of limestone in the tank the reserve of HCO3- ions is huge and will stop the pH declining below pH7. The calcite form of CaCO3 (like in travertine) is less soluble than the biogenic aragonite form found in Oyster shells etc. This means that people who want to keep fish like Lake Tanganyika cichlids, and have naturally very soft water, prefer the more soluble aragonite as their back-up buffering, and will use the soluble NaHCO3 as their primary source of dKH.

I've never kept L66, so I don't know how important soft water is in breeding them, but if you naturally had hard water the caves won't add any more hardness.

You could always build a similar design of caves from an inert rock like slate.

cheers Darrel

Re: Advise Breeding L066

Posted: 29 May 2014, 01:38
by apistomaster
I prefer to use ceramic tiles I get from Home Depot in some kind of natural stone finish as my custom cave material. It isn't very expensive. You do need some kind of rock or tile saw/cutter. I have a buddy who owns a rockhound shop and he lets me use his rock saws.
Ceramic tile is chemically inert and bonds well with silicone sealant.

I found L066 to be less cooperative than their relative, L333, to breed.
L333 bred like common Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus for me.
L066 need a slightly larger cave than L333. I would use a tank of at least 3 ft or 1 meter.
A 40 gal breeder tank is a good choice.
They don't seem demanding when it came to water chemistry as long as the water isn't extremely hard. My usual water change regimen for all Hypancistrus species is about 2/3 every 4th day. For temperatures I used approximately 84*F/29*C.
Diet: earthworm sticks, frozen blood worms and some live black worms.
Filtration was one Azoo OxygenPlus #6 run via airstone and another driven by a Marineland MaxiJet #600.
I wish you good luck. L066 are a nice intermediate in breeding a pleco between L333 and L260. L066 are a bit larger than what I tended to keep and breed. I just bred them as another notch in my belt and did not continue to keep and breed them.
I did like their attractively marked juveniles.

Re: Advise Breeding L066

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 11:35
by Juiceyfish
apistomaster wrote:I prefer to use ceramic tiles I get from Home Depot in some kind of natural stone finish as my custom cave material. It isn't very expensive. You do need some kind of rock or tile saw/cutter. I have a buddy who owns a rockhound shop and he lets me use his rock saws.
Ceramic tile is chemically inert and bonds well with silicone sealant.

I found L066 to be less cooperative than their relative, L333, to breed.
L333 bred like common Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus for me.
L066 need a slightly larger cave than L333. I would use a tank of at least 3 ft or 1 meter.
A 40 gal breeder tank is a good choice.
They don't seem demanding when it came to water chemistry as long as the water isn't extremely hard. My usual water change regimen for all Hypancistrus species is about 2/3 every 4th day. For temperatures I used approximately 84*F/29*C.
Diet: earthworm sticks, frozen blood worms and some live black worms.
Filtration was one Azoo OxygenPlus #6 run via airstone and another driven by a Marineland MaxiJet #600.
I wish you good luck. L066 are a nice intermediate in breeding a pleco between L333 and L260. L066 are a bit larger than what I tended to keep and breed. I just bred them as another notch in my belt and did not continue to keep and breed them.
I did like their attractively marked juveniles.
This is great info!! thanks so much for your input... Just a question do you get earthworm sticks at a petstore? I've never heard of them!!

Re: Advise Breeding L066

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 22:48
by Fisutar10
I have spawned many species of plecos: L066, L004, L201 and of cource bristlenoses.

Maybe good combination is for exaple one male and 2 female. It depends on tank size and other fish.

I is luck to get good plecos to spawn and compatible.When they spawn one time, I think they spawn after that quite sure more.

I think that tank must be big enough and very important is that there is not too much other fish which disturb spawning. I have other species also in my tank. But I chooce so that there is not too much other bottom fish and big fish.

I have same tank (Juwel rio 400) L066 and L004. Both has spawned. In 200 liter tank is bristlenoses and L201 and both spawn all the time. There is also some other fish too. But it is important that there is too much other fish if You do not want put they in own tank.

Very important is very hard filtration and stream. I do not have stream because I am afraid that babies go to streamer and die.

Juwel Rio 400 has Juwel Bioflow 8 and Jbl 1501 filters. And 2xEheim 2252, Fluval 4U, 2x1000 liter/hours pumps in bottom, and Hailea 1000 liter/h inner filter. I have also hard aeration. Big airpumps and difusors of Eheim 2252.

200 liter tank: 2xJBL 1501 (1200 liter/hour), 2x2252 (1200 liter/hour), Eheim pump 1000 liter/hour.

I change quite often 50 % water because I have much babies of plecos in these tanks. ... 0#p7208395
Photos of babies in finnish forum.

Here is caves, which are important to spawner. ... 1444414953
Plecos like quite small caves. It must fit just for him. I put different sizes and they can choose.