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Egg predation

Posted: 05 May 2014, 21:51
by Marine590622
I am wondering what everyone's take on this is. I have several groups of corries that will leave their eggs alone, while from talking with other hobbyists egg predation is a huge problem for them.

Is egg predation in Corydoras a learned behavior, especially in our tanks. IE. If the fish in a group are constantly well-fed, could this be why my cw120, C trilineatus, and C paleatus groups leave their eggs alone? Or is this a species trait. Where all C trilineatus are likely to leave the eggs alone, but cw10 for instance are not?

Re: Egg predation

Posted: 07 May 2014, 05:21
by Marine590622

Re: Egg predation

Posted: 07 May 2014, 13:20
by kim m
It depends on a lot of things.

My atropersnoatus leave the eggs alone but eat the fry. Other hobbyists report that their atropersonatus eat the eggs.

My C120 left the fry alone in my tank, but after giving them to a friend, the very same fish suddenly eat the fry.

It's not something that's easy to conclude anything about :) and othen it is a single fish in a group that's causing the problem.

Re: Egg predation

Posted: 07 May 2014, 14:45
by Marine590622
That is interesting to hear.