sexing baby BN's

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sexing baby BN's

Post by suemack »

hi there

any hints on sexing baby bristle noses please. Am hoping to get some on the weekend for my tank - the one's available are very small (about 1 inch or slightly smaller)

thanks - sue
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Post by Barbie »

I don't think you'll have much luck sexing them at that size. The males tend to have a bit more "cheek" with bristles up the middle of their face, not just around the lips, the females tend to have a pointier nose, but I just went down and looked at the albino bristlenose fry that I have that are just a bit bigger than that, and even with all of the adults to compare to, I wouldn't feel confident about choosing a pair. But on a side note, can you HAVE too many ancistrus? Just buy a few extras!

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Post by Yann »


At this small size there is no possible way to sex them.
Still it is possible to guess which might become a male and which might become a female as the fastest growing fry will likely become males and the other will likely be female...
but it is not a 100% stuff...
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Post by suemack »

Thanks :lol:

next question.......if by some miracle I do manage to get male and female am I better getting 2 fish from the same drop/litter/hatching (guppy and dog person here :roll: ) or getting the one and getting another from an unrelated source? Or doesn't it matter - have been line-breeding guppies for ages and have yet to have an inbred 3 eyed guppy be born in the tanks :D

thanks - sue
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Post by Yann »


Well usually it is a good advice not to mix up fish of the same brood but really it does not matter especially with such highly selectioned and already thousand times consanguine species.
I would take 3-4 instead of 2....
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Post by suemack »

thanks Yann - is the male/female ratio important with BN's or is that not important? ..and long term, would I have room in a 29 gall (36 x 15 x 15 inch) tank for 3-4 BN?
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Post by magnum4 »

and long term, would I have room in a 29 gall (36 x 15 x 15 inch) tank for 3-4 BN?
With enough hidding places this is an acceptable size for 3-4.
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