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Hypancistrus sp ,,Monte Dourado'' L411 spawning

Posted: 06 Apr 2014, 17:33
by rroomm11
Yes, it finally hapens.
I got 2 of this fish from germany about 5-6 years ago but they happens to be both males... .
Then I went to Finland ( Helsingin Akvaariokeskus)about 3 years ago and they have lonely sub-adult female.
First time they spawned straithly about year later, but all spawn was eaten by male.
After then nothing happens.
Today I discovered about 20 juveniles in their aquarium and they are already about 10-15mm.
So sometimes you have just luky doing nothing special to spawn and this just happens.


Re: L411 spawning

Posted: 06 Apr 2014, 17:58
by CarlDeller

Wow congrats, Don't forget to update your My Cats page and put in a breeding report.

Good luck with the fry :-BD

please post pictures we'd like to see :text-coolphotos:

Re: L411 spawning

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 12:43
by rroomm11
Here some pictures:

Re: L411 spawning

Posted: 13 Apr 2014, 23:10
by PseudaSmart
Very nice!

Re: L411 spawning

Posted: 10 Jan 2015, 12:43
by rroomm11
Got seconds spawn. And again, I dont noticed when and where that happens. They are very secretive spawners. I just discovered fry in yesterday evening.

Re: Hypancistrus sp ,,Monte Dourado'' L411 spawning

Posted: 10 Jan 2015, 14:34
by vanillarum
Congrats. My 400s are the same way. I don't do anything to trigger them, just let them go. Again, congrats and good luck.