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tank heaters

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 01:05
by jp11biod
OK, I just cooked a nice group of C pygmaeus and have another brand new heater that does not work. It may have shocked my breeding group of C melini. The pygmies just had their first spawn a couple weeks ago.

What kind of heaters do you all use? I have not had any problems yet with the newer Ebo Jaeger units. Very frustrating.

Re: tank heaters

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 08:53
by Jools
I'm stopping using heaters in the tank and now heat the room. Only a couple of tanks have heaters now and I use the eheim ones. Every visitherm heater I've had in the fishroom has broken (always off "luckily") has broken within 6 years.


Re: tank heaters

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 09:30
by JamesFish

Jools is correct in that if you have a well insulated fish room it will be cheaper and easier to heat the room. It's how allot of fish shops generally do it. A oil rad with a built in thermostat is how allot of people do it. Electric one but oil filled so it stays warmer for longer.

For my tanks I have a mix 2x interpet, 1 fish r fun and an unknown brand from hong kong with a lead so short I had to add an extension lead to it (2x interpet 2 1/2 years on one 6 months on the other). Interpet are my personal budget preference. They are not the cheapest and yet to cook anyone for me. The hong kong was purchased when I was broke and needed a heater as it was a cold winter and my existing one was unable to cope(was meant to be a temp measure year later its still in this post has reminded me I meant to replace it). The fish are fun was only one that came with a guard and weighing in at a 200w heater as tanks next to a door it really heats up in that corner when its going for it. I think it was £20 something delivered to my door.

I would love to be able to afford to replace all mine with ehiems but the bank likes me to pay my mortgage each month. I'm hoping on my living room tank to put an inline heater on it when I switch to an external filter or buy a thermal filter. Releasing the 200w for use in my study with the tanks. I have a house with a air circulation system built in so can't heat a single room.

I'm sorry to hear some of your finned friends were roasted and I hope you get back to enjoying the hobby again soon.

Re: tank heaters

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 15:31
by lilu
I've been using the Cobalt Neotherm heaters. They're very slim and I found they keep the water at a more constant temperature (less than 1 deg) variation than the glass ones.

Re: tank heaters

Posted: 24 Mar 2014, 14:59
by Martin S
It's horrible to find the heater stuck on, I've had that once, was in the 90s, but a few of the fish did survive amazingly.

Since switching to a heating/cooling unit (TC10), I don't have to worry about the heater sticking on. The only issue I would have is if the heater stopped working completely i.e. the fuse went or it just burnt out. You can wire up both heating and cooling plugs, and I run both a heater and a cooling fan (though do run a sump, so easier to hide).
