Need help sexing L114

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Need help sexing L114

Post by christian »

hey community!

A few weeks ago i got two 30cm large L114.
After asking a few people, i got different answers.
Now i need your help on sexing my two L114.

first L114:

second L114:

hope you can help me!
Last edited by christian on 25 Mar 2014, 17:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Need help sexing L114

Post by PseudaSmart »

Welcome to group. I would like to help but the photos make it difficult. A view from directly above and the fins extended make it much easier. Most telling is the body shape, fins, and the shape of the head. They look large enough that you should be able to compare them to the photo of the pair on the L114 Cat-elog page.

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Re: Need help sexing L114

Post by Triactis Trainer »

Like Jim said above, better pictures would be needed to provide a more accurate answer to what their sexes are, but from the odontode growth (I know it isn't entirely based on that) I would say that the top is female and the bottom one appears to be male. Also based on the head shapes the suspected female looks to have a broader head and body shape whereas the bottom pictured one has a more pointed head. I'm sure other more experienced pseudo keepers will chime in when better pictures are provided.
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Re: Need help sexing L114

Post by CoryWally »

Are they in the same tank and do they interact? If they are both males you will probably realise quite quickly! Bottom fish looks male. Top not so sure.
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Re: Need help sexing L114

Post by christian »

thank you for your fast replies!

both L114 are in the same tank
there are no bigger aggression between those two fish. i got them from a fish breeder who told me that they had "something" like a egg deposition.
but after i got told by other people that both are males im not sure ...
fish 2 is definitive a male, but i am not sure about the first one.
could it be that both are male and cause of the years they spent together in the same tank, they became something like friends which causes much less aggressions?

here i got 2 more pictures of the first, unsexed fish:

Last edited by christian on 25 Mar 2014, 17:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Need help sexing L114

Post by magdalo »

Both males.
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Re: Need help sexing L114

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »

Yes. Two males
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Re: Need help sexing L114

Post by christian »


thank you for you answers, but around 20 percent of all people i asked told me that it is a female L114, other 80 percent said its a male one.
The one L114 which is definitive a male has on the bottom a much bigger belly, which you cant see at the other one.

i tried to make a picture of the genital papilla, but it seems like there is none or a very very small one which should be bigger and stomp at females and smaller and pointed at males.
but ... it seems like my L114 has a short and stomp genital papilla, so something from both attributes.

the definitly male has larger odontodes even though the fish is 3cm smaller. the spikes all over the body are bigger too from the smaller one.

Last edited by christian on 25 Mar 2014, 17:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Need help sexing L114

Post by magdalo »

I sincerely wish that you end up with a pair. But based on the head and body shape, both are males. I find this method more conclusive than compairing genitalia papilla which becomes more pronounced during mating season only. Let's wait for others to weigh-in on this.
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Re: Need help sexing L114

Post by Cristoffer Forssander »

Hi again. Agree. No use in turning them over.

They are 100% males. No question about it.
In that size the differences is clearly visible form above. Headschape, body structure and fins.... males...

Sorry about that..
Guardians Of Catfish
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