Breeding Pimelodellas?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Breeding Pimelodellas?

Post by DaveW »

Has anyone bred, or read anything on the topic, Pimelodellas? I have Pimelodella australis I brought back from Uruguay and I'd love some insight on if they are spawnable or not. If so, what type of setup would I need for a group of 7 or 8. Right now I have them in a 75 on sand with some driftwood - close to the environment I collected them in but I don't know if they are even spawnable in the aquarium.
Bas Pels
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Re: Breeding Pimelodellas?

Post by Bas Pels »

I've kept them - possibly the same speceis, also from Uruguay - for a while, and did not see any breeding. I can't find any noted, but I think I lost them in summer due to high temperatures.

After the first winter I noted 4 slim ones and 4 more robute ones - so I assumed I had 4 males and 4 females. But after the second winter I styll did not have any eggs or fry.

Mine were kept with cichlids, which might have eaten fry - in late spring.

The further conditions: relatively soft water (~8 DH from the tap) which cooled down to ~10 C in winter. As I receive tapwater at ~14 C I did not change water very often, but in winter the fish did also not eat much.

Further the daylength was reduced from 12 hrs @ late September to 10 hrs in December and after that gradually to 12 hrs in March.

Both cichlids and plants reacted very well to this. But not my catfish, they did not breed
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