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Sick C082

Posted: 25 Feb 2014, 02:35
by Chouin
Hello everyone,

I purchased recently 12 Corydoras C082, newly imported from Colombia (approx. 3 weeks).
I lost 1 last week and 1 today.

Here is a picture of the worst one taken a few minutes ago :

And one that look ok for now :

And complete setup :

They are in a 125g tank.
- bare bottom (for now)
- pH : 7.4
- temperature : 25 C
- ammonia : 0
- nitrite : 0
- nitrate : 5-10 pppm
- Rena XP3 and XP4 canister filter
- 2 Hydro V sponge
- DIY Kaldnes K1 filter
- DIY Aquaponics filter (done yesterday)

I also have 11 Gold Laser CW010 in the tank and they are fine.

I'm trying Seachem Paraguard at the moment.
Only half dose since I have 3 small plecos in the tank (L24, L25 and Adonis).

Do you have any idea what it could be ?

Your help will be greatly appreciated !

Thank You

Re: Sick C082

Posted: 25 Feb 2014, 03:13
by Chouin
And they are eating fine.
Variety of food :
- Kensfish sticks : brine shrimp, veggie, earthworm
- OSI Shrimp stick
- Repashy Meat and Veggie
- NLS Thera A+
- HBH Veggie Wafer

Picture when first introduced in the tank :

Re: Sick C082

Posted: 25 Feb 2014, 05:26
by rmc
Looks like when I've seen Corys affected by Ammonia burn. I know you tested for ammonia and came up 0, but was this tank recently set up? Maybe they went through the new tank Ammonia spike and are hurting from it - or could be chemical burn from another chemical in the tank? Are you using tap water? Is your tap water source treated with Chlorine or Chloramine?
When I have seen this in my tanks I do a big water change (more than 50%) pre-treating any new tap water I put in with Seachem Prime at a little higher than the recommended dose first. It usually works, but I have lost a few Corys that look as bad as the one in the picture. Hope that helps


Re: Sick C082

Posted: 25 Feb 2014, 17:12
by Chouin
The tank have been set up for a few months (october 2013). The filters were from other tanks that were running for a couple years with established colonies of bacterias (except for the K1 filter, only 2 months old).
I always use Seachem Prime for my tap water, generally 1mL for 5g.
I have been doing 15-20g (twice 30g) water change every day for 10 days.

Thanks for your help !

Re: Sick C082

Posted: 25 Feb 2014, 18:08
by dw1305
Hi all,
I don't know what it is, but I don't think it is ammonia burn, mainly because the fins are all intact and there is no redness around the gills. Hopefully some-one will be able to tell you what it is.
bare bottom (for now)
I'd definitely put some sand in. Have a look at these threads < ... 3&p=225167> & < ... 1&p=268033>.

cheers Darrel

Re: Sick C082

Posted: 25 Feb 2014, 19:08
by rmc
I agree with Darrell, ammonia burn does have other sypmtoms. I also use sand substrate in all my Cory tanks and would recommend it as well. Sorry if I steered you wrong.


Sick C082

Posted: 25 Feb 2014, 20:13
by CoryfanAad
No expert, but could this be Chilodonella ?? ... onella.php

Re: Sick C082

Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 02:17
by Chouin
It could be Chilodonella ?

I did another water change today (30g) because the water had a weird smell.

I still put some Seachem Paraguard in the tank (30 mL - 6 caps - half dose).
It has malachite green in it and should be good against Chilodonella.

But I tested my water before and the reading were fine.
Nitrite = Nitrate = Ammonia = 0 ppm
I'm using a API Freshwater Master Kit (bought in December 2013).

They won't stay in that tank, they are going in another 125g with white sand, when they will be doing fine.


Thanks again for your help.
I will let you know about their condition...

Re: Sick C082

Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 17:55
by CoryfanAad
Fingers crossed !!!

Re: Sick C082

Posted: 28 Feb 2014, 22:10
by Coryman
C. loxozonas, I would say it is a water reaction. This species is best kept a little warmer at around 78 - 80ºF and a little softer. Nitrite can cause this, and it will be like a delayed action, it can be short time exposure that starts this mucus release and the fact that you have made a lot of water changes will eliminate or lower the nitrite levels but the damage has been done. I would definitely add a sand substrate.


Re: Sick C082

Posted: 28 Feb 2014, 22:27
by MChambers
Coryman wrote:C. loxozonas, I would say it is a water reaction. This species is best kept a little warmer at around 78 - 80ºF and a little softer. Nitrite can cause this, and it will be like a delayed action, it can be short time exposure that starts this mucus release and the fact that you have made a lot of water changes will eliminate or lower the nitrite levels but the damage has been done. I would definitely add a sand substrate.

Loxozonus likes warmer temperatures? The Cat-elog says 69-75F (21-24C). Good to know, because I've been keeping mine in about 23C temperatures.

Re: Sick C082

Posted: 01 Mar 2014, 01:06
by Chouin
Thanks again for all your help.

Yes, it could really be Chilodonella.
I stopped using Seachem Paraguard, it didn't help at all, or very little.
After some reading on Chilodonella, they say it can be cure with medicine having formaldehyde.
I had at home some Hikari Ich-X with formaldehyde in the formula, I started using it yesterday (half dose only), I will see how it goes.

I haven't lost any more at the moment, even the one in the first picture.

Nitrite in the tank, maybe ? Hard to tell, my water test have been all good.
All other fish are fine, even my small group of 11 Gold Laser CW010.

As for the temperature, I keep temp at 25C, but Cat-elog say 21-24...

Re: Sick C082

Posted: 06 Mar 2014, 20:42
by Coryman
I am not sure where the recommended temperatures have been sourced for the cat-elog but I think most are just averages and not necessarily the best, as is in this case. To breed them I had to push the temperature up over 80ºF.
