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Identification of Bristlenose

Posted: 18 Feb 2014, 04:57
by JG
Hi, just wondering if anyone could properly identify these BNs? Also looking to sex the fish in the first photo.




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Re: Identification of Bristlenose

Posted: 18 Feb 2014, 05:21
by Dave Rinaldo

Re: Identification of Bristlenose

Posted: 18 Feb 2014, 05:23
by syno321
Looks like albino of the regular bristlenose, first picture is of a female or immature male, depending on the age and size

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Re: Identification of Bristlenose

Posted: 18 Feb 2014, 05:24
by JG
Each fish is about 4" long.

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Re: Identification of Bristlenose

Posted: 18 Feb 2014, 07:37
by MatsP
The first one may be a female. It has a little bit too much "stubble" for me to be sure. A photo from above or below would be better, since that will tell us the shape of the head and body - mainly after the proportion of body vs. head, as males have a head that is quite wide, and otherwise relatively narrow body, where the females have a head that is narrower than the body, and "wide hips".


Re: Identification of Bristlenose

Posted: 19 Feb 2014, 09:48
by blue teddy
The first one is female if it as no bristles on the top of it head. The other is male. Both are albino,s or as some call them gold bn.

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Re: Identification of Bristlenose

Posted: 19 Feb 2014, 22:48
by JG
Here's another shot of the same fish. I'll attempt to capture a top or underside photo. Image

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Re: Identification of Bristlenose

Posted: 20 Feb 2014, 08:44
by MatsP
I'd say "fat" = female. But it's still not a great photo for purposes of sexing the fish.


Re: Identification of Bristlenose

Posted: 20 Feb 2014, 10:49
by Acanthicus
It's a female specimen, pretty sure.

Re: Identification of Bristlenose

Posted: 20 Feb 2014, 12:05
by blue teddy
If it as no bristles on the top of head it is female males have big bristles on their heads looking at the photo looks like a female.

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Re: Identification of Bristlenose

Posted: 01 Mar 2014, 03:26
by JG
Hopefully this photo provides a better view.


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Re: Identification of Bristlenose

Posted: 01 Mar 2014, 03:39
by Splak
I'm 95% sure it is a female, too fat to be a male for one. Also, my super red female has bristles all around her "chin" too.