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Sick Bronze Cory. Any Suggestions? (Now with pics)

Posted: 05 Feb 2014, 17:12
by CorydoraCat
EDIT: She turned around so I was able to get some pictures. They aren't the best quality, but I was hoping it'd give you an idea of her condition. I'm noticing her plates are beginning to look a little puffy...
NOTE: Her eye is NOT white. That was just the camera flash.

As the title suggests, I have an adult female Bronze Cory catfish who is in need of care.

I haven't checked my pH, KH, ammonia, nitrates, etc. since she started showing symptoms. Up to this point, there have never been any problems with the aquarium. The temperature is at about 79-80F, and I do weekly 25% water changes.

As for my setup, she's in a small 10 gallon at the moment, along with two other corys, two danios, and two snails. (Not my ideal sized aquarium. I have a 30 gallon back home, but I've been away from home for a few months, along with the fish, and so the 10 gallon is a temporary.) The substrate is small, smooth pebbles, and furnishings include a few larger smooth rocks, some plastic plants, a moss ball, and a pagoda ornament. There's a Top Fin filter in there, currently with the carbon removed. Regardless of the brand, it's actually been performing very well the entire time I've had it. The tank was first set up about 5-6 months ago, and the fish were moved in after it had been running for almost a month. Everything's been running smoothly and the water quality has stayed fairly consistent.

As for the cory: Adult female Bronze cory. She's been missing one of her pectoral fins since she was very young (occurred before I obtained her), and although it took her a while to figure out how to swim properly without it, she ended up figuring it out, it healed over fine, and she's been great ever since. I've had her for about a year now. Maybe a little longer. Just recently, she ended up very sick. She's very pale, both eyes are a bit bulgy, and she appears to have cloudy fungal patches on her body, especially near her dorsal fin. She had a small wound near one of her eyes that had bled a bit. She's still in the aquarium with her tankmates, but is currently in a floating "treatment box", to prevent anyone from possibly bothering her. I added a little bit of Kordon Fish Protector, the bleeding stopped and that wound is healing. (Only used that once for the wound.) I've also begun treating her with Pimafix for the last two days. She seems to have perked up a little bit since a few days ago, but still looking pretty awful. Everybody else in the aquarium are looking completely fine, still eating well, still very active. No visible problems besides the Bronze.

Just wondered if anybody has any suggestions to help her out, or something else they'd recommend for her?