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What disease is this?

Posted: 29 Jan 2014, 05:58
by lightseeker5000
At first, I thought it was Ich that accidentally spread from my Girlfriend's tank mishap. but it's tinted orange, and the spots got a bit bigger than Ich, and after a salt dip (1tbsp/gal), they multiplied worse. oh, and it's only severely affecting the inbred (L144, calico bristlenose) Ancistrus in the tank. the brown common bristlenose & the mbuna cichlids don't have any visible spots. Also, one of the cichlids lost a large patch of skin on top of its head (columnaris?). the is getting some fin rot on its dorsal fin. As of writing this, 3/4 of the L144 are dead, and the calicos are now as spotted as the L144s got.

My GF brought 3 guppies home from PetsMart & put them in her 55 community tank (some guppies, various tetras, gentle 3 spot gourami, dalmatian molly, 2 long fin brown BN plecos, 3 L144's) after quarantining them for 2 weeks (no dips or baths, just observation).
Her tank broke out in what looked like Ich. using Kordon's Ich-Attack (double dose) & raising her temp to 80 for a week, only helped briefly, but they continued to get worse. the white spots got fuzzy & bigger & evenly peppered a couple of the weaker fish. on them (guppies & a neon tetra) some spots merged with other white spots (definitely fungal looking). she did a dose of triple sulfa, discontinued the Ich attack & switched to Pimafix after going back to Pets-mart & finding out they had an Ich & fungal outbreak there. oh, and i dropped a crushed clove of Garlic in. she lost 2 of the L144's, a neon tetra, & a guppy (the guppy had a chunk of flesh rot & fall off its back & it died... Columnaris?). as of now, a guppy has a couple small patches left, and the rest cleared up 3-4 days after switching to Pimafix. the guppies got a saltwater dip (1tbsp/gal). the gourami & molly didn't get spots, and the longfin bushynose plecos got a few spots that cleared up quickly.

A few days before all that started, my tank's heater was unplugged for 3 days before i caught it (room temp is 70F). over a week later, a few days into the Ich mishap, I noticed my L144s were evenly peppered with small spots that i assumed was Ich, but it looked more orange. I started raising the temp, and was about to do an all-out Ich war, when i got the news of the fungal warning from PetsMart, and did Pimafix instead, & kept temp at 81, looking carefully to see if it's ich or not. [Edit] during treatment, the plecos started hanging out near the surface and occasionally going up for air. I added a 2nd AC70 filter and an airstone. 3/4 of my L144s have died & the 2 calico BN's are completely covered in the stuff, worse than the L144's were.

1. Water parameters
a) Temp: 78F(25.5C) normally. raised to 81F (27C) preparing to fight Ich
b) pH: 7.6-7.8
c) GH: hard water (i'll update soon)
d) KH: hard water (i'll update soon)
e)Ammonia: 0.25ppm, Nitrate: 30-40, Nitrite: .
f) Water change frequency: 25% weekly

2. Tank set up
a) Size: 85 US Gal (48x18x22 inch)
b) Substrate: 2.5 inches of pool filter sand, a bit of crushed coral
c) Filtration: 1 AquaClear AC70, filled with sponges
d) Furnishings: 20 inches total length of bulky mopani driftwood, coliseum decorations.
e) Tank Inhabitants: 22 young , 3 juvenile yellow mbuna hybrids, 2 juvenile yoyo loaches, 3 Common , 2 calico , 1 , 1 young
f) How long has it been set-up: about 1 year
g) When was the last new fish added: 3 months ago
h) Foods used and frequency: algae wafers & pellets every 2-3 days (enough to nibble on for a full day), a little generic flake 2-3 days, cucumber/courgette slices every other week, and the occasional nibble of New Life Spectrum.

3. Symptoms / Problem description: fungal looking spots all over the L144's and the calico bristlenoses. the brown BNs have a couple spots, and the non-ancistrus seem to be untouched. one electric yellow mbuna lost a large chunk of skin off its forehead. several plecos are getting a bit of fin rot.

4. Action taken: increase temp, saltwater dip (30 seconds 1 tbsp/gal), triple sulfa, pimafix.

Re: What disease is this?

Posted: 29 Jan 2014, 07:46
by Barbie
That is oodinium. Do a 30% water change and reduce feeding. Feeding enough there is uneaten food in the tank for more than an hour is a recipe for disaster, IMO. That you are measuring ammonia and aren't sure about nitrites means the filter can not keep up with the waste present. I would treat with quick cure, full strength, with daily 50% water changes during treatment. I use proform C, by preference, but it's a pond product and harder to find than quick sure. Do not wait. Do not dip more. Do not make more of a chemical stew in the aquarium. Change water and treat as soon as you can. That's a very serious infestation of cooties.


Re: What disease is this?

Posted: 29 Jan 2014, 12:21
by vanillarum
Got my Proform C from Amazon a while back. Just checked and they sell it by the quart for around $21. Good luck.

Re: What disease is this?

Posted: 29 Jan 2014, 16:24
by .Plecomania.
the patch of skin missing on top of the head of that cichlid could have been from the fish jumping one night and hitting the hood.

Re: What disease is this?

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 09:15
by Barbie
Have you used it yet vanillarum? I worry sometimes that I'm recommending people use a pond product, but I've had such good success with it that I want people to have it as an option!


Re: What disease is this?

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 11:30
by vanillarum
Barbie, I used it with good results almost a year ago when my L400s and their fry were dying unexplainably. I believe that I bought it at your recommendation at the time. So, thank you. My L400s are alive and breeding, so they thank you also.
