Otocinclus or...?

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Otocinclus or...?

Post by kruseman »

I caught this small Loricarid in a stream near Rio Oyapoque.

Who can tell me the name of the species?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Otocinclus or...?

Post by Bas Pels »

It looks like a crossbeed between Otocinclus and Hypoptoma to me

The eyes are just a little too hig for Hypoptoma, the rest does fit
cats have whiskers
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Re: Otocinclus or...?

Post by Silurus »

Is this the unnamed hypoptopomatine genus found in the Oyapock River?
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Re: Otocinclus or...?

Post by Durlänger »

Compare it with the description and pics of Parotocinclus.
Remember the commun P. jumbo doesn`t realy look like a Parotocinclus, so don`t compare with this one.
Rather with P. britski or P. collinsae.

With Oyapock River you mean the river that borders french guyana and brasil, right? Not that there is another one called the same.
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Re: Otocinclus or...?

Post by kruseman »

Yes, that's the river.

Parotocinclus seems right. Can't figure out wich yet.
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