Tank Size

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Tank Size

Post by nkocen »

I purchased a Ptergoplichthys Pardalis and he is now 12 inches long. I have a twenty gallon tank. I think he has now become too big for the tank. What size should he be in?

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Re: Tank Size

Post by Kif »

I think most people work on either a 4xL 2xW rule or 6xL 2xW rule (which I think is better) so with a 12inch fish would made a 4x2 or a 6x2 footprint tank.
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Re: Tank Size

Post by nkocen »

Thanks for the information. I can now see that this was not the right choice to make. When I bought the fish it was about 2 inches long. I was told that they keep the tank clean. No one ever mentioned that they can get as big as 24 inches! I am going to have to give this fish up, as I cannot get a bigger tank. Can anyone suggest what I can do with it?

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Re: Tank Size

Post by .Plecomania. »

sell on Aquabid if you know you can safely ship him to the buyer. if not then find a local aquarium club and see if anyone wants him. if not then see if a near by local fish store will take him off your hands.
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Re: Tank Size

Post by Kif »

nkocen wrote: When I bought the fish it was about 2 inches long. I was told that they keep the tank clean. No one ever mentioned that they can get as big as 24 inches!

A problem the world over I think, but they are cheap and available so many shops take the unethical view of "not our problem once sold" with this and many other species sold every day, which is a real shame because they are sold like you say to keep a tank "clean" when in truth they probably make more mess then they ever "clean" up, and so many other fish do a better job and are more suitable for aquarium life but just cost that little bit more.
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Re: Tank Size

Post by nkocen »

I appreciate everyone's input. I am going to stop at an aquarium store called Father Fish and see if he might be able to take him or knows of someone that might want him. I really like him but I feel sorry for the fish and want him to have a happy life so I will give him up. Wish me luck.

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Re: Tank Size

Post by nvcichlids »

[quote=".Plecomania."]sell on Aquabid if you know you can safely ship him to the buyer.quote]

In all honesty, who would pay for a common pleco to be shipped to them when every fish store is overrun with huge ones they cannot get rid of?

Best bet is the local store as you said. They might take it back, they might not. If you like the looks of your fish but need a smaller "cleaner" look for the common bristlenose pleco.
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