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North American Cats

Posted: 15 Nov 2003, 21:29
by The Mad Catter
It would be nice to see North American cats get their own heading on the forum list. South America, Asia, and Africa have their own, but one has to look under Other to get to North American cats. There seems to be a decent amount of interest in North American catfish, so I don't understand why they don't have their own forum.

Posted: 15 Nov 2003, 21:40
by The Mad Catter
Okay, maybe I jumped the gun with the new topic. In comparison to South American, Asian, and African catfish there aren't very many posts, but I have noticed that quite a few people are really interested in North American catfish.

Posted: 15 Nov 2003, 21:47
by Rusty
There are many interesting cats endemic to Australia and N. America, but neither appear in the trade often enough to really justify their own forum. You may notice that 90% of talk in this forum is actually on N. American fish, not Australian, so for all intensive purposes this is the N. A. forum :-)
