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Farlowella id?

Posted: 13 Dec 2013, 06:45
by Roland
2 years ago, I think.
I bought a "par" of Farlowella wild. In the shop they told me. That this was NOT a gracilis. And the guy who sold me these, know what he talks about.
So my question are: What Farlowella do I have?
As he said, it is not a gracilis, I think it must have come from the same place, Columbia? It is now, the biggest, 25cm.
Can anybody give me a hint about wich Farlowellas it can be?
Roland Dreinø

Re: Farlowella id?

Posted: 13 Dec 2013, 14:43
by jp11biod
I think you need to post a photo...

Re: Farlowella id?

Posted: 13 Dec 2013, 15:01
by Roland
Sorry, I`ve tried to take a pic, but it doesn`t show good. Tried many times.
But how many Farlowella, that becomes 25cm lives in Columbia? Nobody have a clou?

Re: Farlowella id?

Posted: 13 Dec 2013, 21:42
by jp11biod