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L-190 panaque

Posted: 29 Nov 2013, 08:51
by andriesvk
Someone on another forum wrote that these fish produce
A wood "dust cloud"wich could harm my altum or discus is this true

Re: L-190 panaque

Posted: 29 Nov 2013, 20:36
by Linus_Cello
I think this statement could be true if you didn't do adequate water changes. If you do sufficient water changes to keep the "dust clouds" to a minimum, I think you can keep discus and angels (especially highly bred/domesticated ones) with panaques.

If you are keeping wild altums and discus (e.g. heckels), these probably need much higher water quality that there is a risk in keeping these with your panaques, unless you are doing daily water changes (maybe 40% every day).

I'd be curious to see what other's say. I would love to set-up a large tank with panaques and discus. (Right now, I have L204 with my discus).

Re: L-190 panaque

Posted: 30 Nov 2013, 12:31
by fosco
Why should damage the fish the ' cloud ' of wood? I have two 500-litre tubs with a common filtration NET with plants and other living plants with spogliain discus and one schaeferi and many other varinella tank armored catfishes and panaqolus alongside there are 6 panaque, L25 and other large armored catfishes.No feedback problems.


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Re: L-190 panaque

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 09:12
by David R
I've always found my L190s to make a fair bit of sawdust, I think it is a healthy normal thing for wood eating Panaques. You should be able to minamise it with good circulation and heavy mechanical filtration. I have four 18-20cm L190 in my tank and they make a fair bit of sawdust, this is about 2/3 of a weeks worth, siphoned out of the settling chamber in my sump;



and one of the culprits, you can see the sawdust on the wood above him. I really need a little more flow through that part of the tank to keep it moving.