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Longer type of cory???

Posted: 13 Nov 2013, 00:17
by will5
My LFS had these catfish that looked like Cory's but longer, maybe around 2.5" long. I was going to research them when I got home but I forgot what they were called and was wondering if anyone knows what they are called?

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Re: Longer type of cory???

Posted: 13 Nov 2013, 00:30
by Hitch
are you sure they are not Corydoras? as there are a bunch of species of Corydoras that grows to over 2.5".

Otherwise, perhaps Scleromystax, Dianema or Haplosternum?

Re: Longer type of cory???

Posted: 13 Nov 2013, 03:55
by will5
Hitch wrote:are you sure they are not Corydoras? as there are a bunch of species of Corydoras that grows to over 2.5".

Otherwise, perhaps Scleromystax, Dianema or Haplosternum?
Hoplosternum is it....thanks!!!

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Longer type of cory???

Posted: 13 Nov 2013, 06:44
by CoryfanAad
Brochis ? Oh sorry didn't see the replies so far!