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C. Sodalis or Haraldschultzi?

Posted: 09 Nov 2013, 10:15
by AsiraBettas
Hi everyone.

Some weeks ago I bought 4 Corydoras, in the fish shop they were listed as 'Agasizzi' which they obviously are not. I thought they might look like Triliniatus or Julii, but they are neither of those. Then I did a lot of research on this site and thought I had made the conclusion they are Sodalis. But now I'm doubting again, as they could be Haraldschultzi.
The first few weeks I kept them in a 25L or 7 gal (21-24C or 70-75F), they were awfully quiet and afraid of almost everything, except for the betta they lived with. Yesterday I moved them to my Discus tank (400L or 106 gal, 27-30C or 80-86F). They felt so much better and 'celebrated life' and are still very busy and much brighter in color. My guess by the way is that they are wild-caught.

Here are the pictures:




Thanks for taking a look.

Re: C. Sodalis or Haraldschultzi?

Posted: 09 Nov 2013, 16:18
by mummymonkey

Re: C. Sodalis or Haraldschultzi?

Posted: 09 Nov 2013, 17:50
by AsiraBettas
mummymonkey wrote:They are